proto-FAQ -- reactions please!_(re)

15 Oct 1996 16:38:00 +0200

Diese Nachricht antwortet auf einen Text,
den am Dienstag, den 15.10.96,
durch die Datennetze geschossen hat:

Hallo J.J.

JJvdH>     type
JJvdH>       word  = __unsigned__ integer;
You should call it longword.
I had some trouble, because I declared a word like this and i wondered
that the entries after flags had some errors :)
Perhaps longword...

JJvdH> 4.8 I'm accessing an "array[1..4000000] of byte" and I got an
JJvdH> exception. ============================================================
JJvdH> ============   Per default, the maximum stack size of a djgpp
JJvdH> application is 256K. If you need more, you have to adjust it with the
JJvdH> stubedit program, i.e.:
JJvdH>     stubedit your_app.exe minstack=5000K
JJvdH> Still, it might be a good idea to use pointers for this kind of
JJvdH> structures.
AB   > Or you declare your array like this:
AB   >
AB   >     var bigdata:__static__ array[1..4000000] of byte;

JJvdH> Please make sure to include in your mail the version number of the
JJvdH> document to which your comments apply (you can find the version at the
JJvdH> beginning of this FAQ list).
I think v0.1, wasn't it :)


Andreas Bauer ( (Andreas Bauer))

HTML conversion by Lluís de Yzaguirre i Maura
Institut de Lingüística Aplicada - Universitat "Pompeu Fabra"