Call for installation patches and hacks._(re)

Tue, 15 Oct 96 19:13:46 -0400

On Tue, 15 Oct 96 15:33:43 CST, J.J. van der Heijden wrote:

>We are finishing up preparations for the "final" 1.2 GPC release, and now I 
>would like to know, did any of you have to apply special hacks to get GPC 
>up and running? Need to edit a config file, Makefile etc., add special 

I did have to make a couple changes to the OS/2(EMX) makefile in order to get
everything working.  Specifically, even though gcc_bcmp.c is copied into the
RTS directory, it is never referenced in the makefile. (MakeHPFS.RTS)  It was
only after I tried to compile some code that apparantly needed _gcc_bcmp()
that I noticed the problem.  So I had to go back and edit the Makefile.

Or did I do something wrong?  I couldn't find any reference to gcc_bcmp.c/.o
in the MakeFAT.RTS file either.

I also experienced confusion over which version of Make to use.  INSTALL says
to use nmake, but README.EMX says to use dmake.

(Sorry if this has been addressed before, I just recently joined the list..)


Kevin A. Foss	--

Kevin A. Foss (

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