getenv() and system()

Tue, 15 Oct 1996 18:56:31 +0100 (MET)

According to John Michael Black:
> IMHO, I would think that the function getenv() and the procedure system()
> would be two widely used routines for a lot of people's programs.  Instead
> of expecting everyone to "create" them each time, what possibility is
> there of including them in a standard library? 

My BO5 project is intended to become a standard library for 
GNU Pascal.  Its Unit "Tools" already contains a Borland-
compatible version of getenv(). 

> I know they're not
> standard or extended pascal, 

GetEnv is in Borland's DOS Unit, so it's de-facto-standard on DOS-like
platforms.  Berend already ported some features of DOS to an Extended
Pascal module, other things are in BO5, so it should be straightforward
to write (at least parts of) a true Borland-compatible DOS Unit.

> but like I said it seems like a lot of people
> would need to use them.  If there isn't an include for operating system
> functions, perhaps this could start one.

Includes are not part of ISO-Pascal, modules are.  With Borland or
UCSD Pascal, you can include a file via (*$I foo *) (supported by GPC, 
too).  However in my opinion, a Module or Unit would be preferable.

If somebody would like to write such a thing (or already has written),
please let me know.



home address:  D\"usseldorfer Str. 35, 45145 Essen, Germany

Peter Gerwinski (

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