Call for installation patches and hacks.

Tue, 15 Oct 96 15:33:43 CST


We are finishing up preparations for the "final" 1.2 GPC release, and now I 
would like to know, did any of you have to apply special hacks to get GPC 
up and running? Need to edit a config file, Makefile etc., add special 

We know about the problems with stor-layout and friends (undefined symbols 
when linking gpc1) and BSD/SYSV confusion with signals in rts/rts-rt0.c

We would like to hear about any other hacks you had to do, and this is your 
chance to get it fixed before the release.

In the ideal world, `configure ; make' should work.

I have heard people failing to build GPC on Solaris. Is this still true, 
and if yes, can you give me a detailed description what goes wrong?


"Nothing shocks me, I'm a scientist", Indiana Jones

J.J. van der Heijden (

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