getenv() and system()

Tue, 15 Oct 1996 11:01:44 -0400 (EDT)

Thanks so much, JJ, for the sample code for these two functions in the
FAQ.  In all I thought the faq was good and informative.
IMHO, I would think that the function getenv() and the procedure system()
would be two widely used routines for a lot of people's programs.  Instead
of expecting everyone to "create" them each time, what possibility is
there of including them in a standard library?  I know they're not
standard or extended pascal, but like I said it seems like a lot of people
would need to use them.  If there isn't an include for operating system
functions, perhaps this could start one.

For example, right now I've taken these two external makeshift routines
(along with some others) and put them in a file "unix.h", so all I do is
#include  in programs I know will use them.  (I'm considering
renaming it to , since most of them could probably work on DOS
as well.)  I would reccommend using the literal names "getenv" and
"system" since they are familiar from C.

Any thoughts?


John Michael Black (

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