it's running :-)_(re)

Sat, 12 Oct 1996 22:25:34 +0100 (MET)

According to Andreas Bauer:
> Diese Nachricht antwortet auf einen Text,
> den am Freitag, den 11.10.96,
> durch die Datennetze geschossen hat:
> JJvdH> This was a remark by Peter, but he was probably confusing unix and=
>  dos.
> JJvdH> Not sure you can redirect stderr in DOS.
> Yes, i read something it's impossible in DOS.
> :-(

No, that was no confusion; I really meant DOS.
It actually works with a DOS box in OS/2.

However, it seems *not* to work with MS-DOS nor with Novell DOS.  :-(

In the djgpp NewsGroup somebody said there would be a recepy
how to redirect stderr with DOS in the djgpp FAQ.

> If it is possible to disable those ugly underscore-warnings... ?!

Yes, with (*$W-*) ... (*$W+*) you can switch off/on warnings for a
certain section of the code.  

(However I don't like __underscored_identifiers__ either. ;-)

> No, i'll try to write my own system-unit and I'll try to access
> the LFB of an VESA card.

Did you try Berend's System unit?

(And don't forget to send us your useful units so we can 
publish it. ;-)


home address:  D\"usseldorfer Str. 35, 45145 Essen, Germany

Peter Gerwinski (

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