it's running :-)_(re)

12 Oct 1996 15:05:00 +0200

Diese Nachricht antwortet auf einen Text,
den am Freitag, den 11.10.96,
durch die Datennetze geschossen hat:

Hallo J.J.

JJvdH> >I must include djgpp.lnk manually, though.
JJvdH> When I said 'specs' I meant 'djgpp.env'
JJvdH> The 'specs' and 'specs.gpc' file should not be touched!
I copied the [gcc] section of *djgpp.env* to [gpc].
And the linker ld cannot find something with ..._ctor_... and _dtor_.
until i include djgpp.lnk manually into linking.

JJvdH> This was a remark by Peter, but he was probably confusing unix and=
JJvdH> Not sure you can redirect stderr in DOS.
Yes, i read something it's impossible in DOS.

JJvdH> I only heard rumours, but if you watch the djgpp newsgroup
JJvdH> (comp.os.msdos.djgpp) or it's archive at yo=
u may
JJvdH> find it. Maybe it's in the contrib section of the djgpp archive at
I'll try it.

JJvdH> =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=
=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D program dpmitest;
JJvdH> It's a little C-ish style (ulong's etc) but if you look at 
JJvdH> from djgpp's C-lib you will see how I did it.
I noticed that the GNU-integer is *not* the same as the BP-integer.

JJvdH> BTW optimization kill's this sample, maybe because GPC aligns the
JJvdH> byte size variables in the records to 32bit boundaries for speed t=
JJvdH> (??!)
It seems that the =ABret=BB-instruction at the end of the program causes =
exception. if you use a halt() as the last command in the source-file,
it will work correctly. A bug in the compiler ?

JJvdH> The 'asmname' could have been just a 'C' directive, but then you w=
JJvdH> have had functions called __dpmi_.... in your pascal program.
Why not?
If it is possible to disable those ugly underscore-warnings... ?!

JJvdH> crazy memory issues in DOS. I'm not sure you need all this DPMI st=
JJvdH> in the first place. Unless you want to write protected mode interr=
JJvdH> handlers, in which case you'd better take a good look in the djgpp
JJvdH> docs.....
No, i'll try to write my own system-unit and I'll try to access
the LFB of an VESA card.

JJvdH> JanJaap

Andreas Bauer ( (Andreas Bauer))

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