it's running :-)_(re)

09 Oct 1996 17:11:00 +0200

Diese Nachricht antwortet auf einen Text,
den am Mittwoch, den 09.10.96,
durch die Datennetze geschossen hat:

Hallo J.J.

JJvdH> There's a more subtle way to do this: Edit the "specs" file in your
JJvdH> main djgpp directory.
Yes, thank you. Now it works.
I must include djgpp.lnk manually, though.

JJvdH> >Yes:  gpc foo.pas -o foo.exe 2>foo.err
No, this doesn't work under Win95.
I think I'll download CWSDPMI.EXE to work under DOS.

JJvdH> It's AT&T syntax, not intel. Essentially, you have to read the
JJvdH> arguments to an instruction in reverse. I think there was some
JJvdH> explanation of this in the djgpp docs too (not sure), and there's a
JJvdH> intel->at&t asm converter around somewhere (but probably won't do
JJvdH> inline GPC asm).
Not only in reverse. I tried "REP STOSD" and I couldn't figure out the
right syntax.
Can you give me any hints where to find this converter ?

JJvdH> Yes, djgpp's DPMI functions are all documented in the djgpp C lib
JJvdH> reference. (libc.inf)
I'm not an expert in C, but I'll manage to understand it.

JJvdH> Please send us any working snapshots of code, then we have
JJvdH> documentation!
If I'm able to get it working, you'll receive my code.
Or should I send it to Peter ?

JJvdH> JanJaap

Andreas Bauer ( (Andreas Bauer))

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