DosFile.pas workaround for the CrLF-bug under old DOS_(re)

24 Sep 1996 10:02:00 +0200

Hallo J.J.vanderHeijden,

Am 23.09.96 um 15:21
sagtest Du zum Thema "Re: DosFile.pas workaround for the CrLF-bug under old DOS":

> >{   BP-like file operations for binary files    }
> >{ simple workaround for the CRLF-bug in GCC/GPC }
> >{     Sven Hilscher -     }
> I can see the use of functions with a borland-compatible syntax, like
> assign(), but fail to see the link with CRLF problems.

The link with CRLF problem is: the file functions in "dos.h" don't have  
this problem. That's why I wrote this unit before you fixed the bug.
BP-compatible syntax was the second thing ...

    ((__         o
   ,____)) V E N I

Sven Hilscher ( (Sven Hilscher))

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