some questions ...

Sun, 22 Sep 1996 23:15:04 +0200 (MET DST)

Hi Sven, hi everybody,

> Somebody have found the C2PAS converter?

I have never seen such a thing - only the p2c.

> Why is the boolean type internal so big (Integer) ?

I could not reproduce this bug.  Var B: Boolean; writeln ( Sizeof ( B ) )
yields 1 on my machine.

> Boolean should only use a bit - yes thats stupid,

It's not stupid at all.  One day, GPC will actually pack `packed
arrays' of Boolean or `packed records' containing Booleans and
Integer subranges, then each Boolean will only get a single bit.

> Why crashed the compiler very often?

If we knew the answer, the compiler wouldn't crash any more, sigh.

Please collect the source which makes the compiler crash, so we
can correct the bug.

> If the compiler found a syntax fault, I think in some cases it's better to  
> show the fault position in the line.

I agree, but I have no idea how to implement this with a Bison
parser (I am not so experienced with Bison).  Somebody has?

> How I can _create_ functions with free type parameters,
> _without get a warning_ while using with different typed variabels?

This is a bug in GPC and must be fixed.  For the moment, use (*$W-*)
to switch off annoying warnings, use (*$W+*) to switch them on again.

By the way, Sven, your DosFile Unit does not only work around a
bug, but it also implements some missing functions such as BlockRead,
BlockWrite, and IOresult.  Gut gemacht! :-) :-)

Shall I put it into a gpc-2.7.2/contrib directory?  Somebody out there
willing to make it portable?  It should not be too difficult to 
translate the DOS system calls to UNIX system calls.


home address:  D\"usseldorfer Str. 35, 45145 Essen, Germany

Peter Gerwinski (

HTML conversion by Lluís de Yzaguirre i Maura
Institut de Lingüística Aplicada - Universitat "Pompeu Fabra"