I don't unterstand __byte__ :-(

11 Sep 1996 14:06:00 +0200

Hi all,

the following example I've used to test the __byte__ and __short__ types.
There was some trouble while using the GRX20-library (I'm working on a  
interface-unit) with conversion of different structures.

Look at my sample and say me why I can't get the correct value from Bytes.

program ByteTest;

  arHex : array[0..$0f] of char
        = '0123456789abcdef';

  max = 15;

  WrkStr = String(255);

  a32 : array[0..max] of Integer;
  a16 : array[0..max] of __short__ Integer absolute a32;
  a8  : array[0..max] of __byte__  Integer absolute a32;
  a_c : array[0..max] of char              absolute a32;

  i   : Integer;

function hexa(number: Integer): WrkStr;
  i : Integer;
  s : WrkStr;
  s := '';
  for i := 1 to 8 do begin
    s := arHex[number and $0f] + s;
    number := number shr 4;
  hexa := ' $'+s;

  for i := 0 to max do a_c[i] := chr(i);

  for i := 0 to max do begin
    write(i: 3);
    write(ord(a_c[i]): 5);
    write(a8[i]: 10);
    if i mod 2 = 0 then
      write(a16[i div 2]: 10);
    if i mod 4 = 0 then
      write(a32[i div 4]: 16);

  for i := 0 to max do begin
    write(i: 3);
    if i mod 2 = 0 then
      write(hexa(a16[i div 2]));
    if i mod 4 = 0 then
      write(hexa(a32[i div 4]));

I'm using the DJGPP-GPC on MS-DOS and that's the output:

  0    0     34560       256        50462976
  1    1     34561
  2    2     34562       770
  3    3     34563
  4    4     34564      1284       117835012
  5    5     34565
  6    6     34566      1798
  7    7     34567
  8    8     34568      2312       185207048
  9    9     34569
 10   10     34570      2826
 11   11     34571
 12   12     34572      3340       252579084
 13   13     34573
 14   14     34574      3854
 15   15     34575
  0 $00000000 $00000000 $00000100 $03020100
  1 $00000001 $00000001
  2 $00000002 $00000002 $00000302
  3 $00000003 $00000003
  4 $00000004 $00000004 $00000504 $07060504
  5 $00000005 $00000005
  6 $00000006 $00000006 $00000706
  7 $00000007 $00000007
  8 $00000008 $00000008 $00000908 $0b0a0908
  9 $00000009 $00000009
 10 $0000000a $0000000a $00000b0a
 11 $0000000b $0000000b
 12 $0000000c $0000000c $00000d0c $0f0e0d0c
 13 $0000000d $0000000d
 14 $0000000e $0000000e $00000f0e
 15 $0000000f $0000000f

Please don't quote the whole text !!!

    ((__         o
   ,____)) V E N I

Sven Hilscher (Sven@rufus.central.de (Sven Hilscher))

HTML conversion by Lluís de Yzaguirre i Maura
Institut de Lingüística Aplicada - Universitat "Pompeu Fabra"
e-mail: de_yza@upf.es