ANNOUNCE: GPC 1.2 (2.7.2) pre-release

Tue, 27 Aug 1996 13:39:34 +0200 (MET DST)

	Dear readers of the GPC list,

	we herewith announce a pre-release of GPC version 1.2,
	based on GNU C 2.7.2.

	This is a beta test release.  We ask you to try the new GPC
	version on as many different platforms as possible, isolate
	bugs, correct the documentation, etc..  Once we know it is 
	stable enough, we will do the "official" 1.2-2.7.2 release.

	New features:

	  * easier to compile and install, also for cross-compilation

	  * Texinfo documentation

	  * More stable (Borland-style) objects

	  * "String" bug fixed (see the old `PROBLEMS' file)

	  * Extended Pascal "export foo = all" extension

	  * PXSC operator fragments (redefineable symbols)

	  * Precompiled Module/Unit interfaces (needn't #include
	    the interface any longer)

	  * AutoMake facility (automatically compile Modules/Units
	    which have been changed)

	Source and binaries for DJGPP, EMX, Linux, FreeBSD, and
	IRIX5 are available per anonymous ftp from

	in the directory


	(They also will be available on, soon.)

	Have fun,

	    Jan Jaap


Peter Gerwinski (

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Institut de Lingüística Aplicada - Universitat "Pompeu Fabra"