Programmers wanted: CRT, Graph, etc. for GNU Pascal_(re)

24 Jul 96 04:00:10 EDT

>> What use does it have when you already have a good Dos compiler, i.e. Borland
>> Pascal? It fullfills all my needs for the Dos environment.

> Not mine, and when you look into comp.lang.pascal.borland you will find

Yes, I did see your problem, but I never encountered these things. My units are
small, so I don't have codesegment faults, and for large arrays I have a few
objects of my own which either use XMS/EMS or conv memory to present large

But I see. I make a Posix interface for GPC first and present any difficulties I
encounter to you so you can make the necessary changes to the compiler ok?

>    Note, I HAVE the source of the Graph unit!!!

Ah, I now remember you saying this, but shouldn't this be:  I have the source of
a Graph unit?

>> - qualifed imports available?
> What's that?

To reference a symbol from these modules you always need to add the module name
as prefix. Maybe I don't need this now, I'll see.

OK, I see if I can write something with gpc. I'll tackle the Posix interface and
the Dos unit first. I start using djgpp's port. Which one should I take?



Berend de Boer (100120.3121@CompuServe.COM)

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