Programmers wanted: CRT, Graph, etc. for GNU Pascal_(re)

20 Jul 96 08:00:36 EDT

First of all, does anyone know if there is a gpc archive? I went on holiday with
my computer stuck and my compuserve mailbox overflooded (it seems to have a max
of 100msgs). I miss about 1 week.

> Florian has got free sources 
> for Borland compatible Units like SYSTEM, CRT, PRINTER, and GRAPH
> for FPK Pascal which cry for being ported to GNU Pascal. 
> This should not be too difficult at least for the DOS platform because 
> FPK Pascal uses the same assembler syntax as GNU Pascal, and both 
> compilers can run with the GO32 DOS extender.

The point of having an extended pascal compiler is being portable, at least
that's the goal. Assembler and Dos are not the way to go. The point of having a
System, Crt, Printer of Graph unit is entirely uninteresting if it is not
portable except if you want to port Dos Borland Pascal programs to Extended
Pascal. Why should anyone want to do this? I assume everyone is programming for
Windows 95/Windows NT or Unix. Are programmers really running Dos today??

Quite a few calls in System or Crt do simply not apply in non-Dos environments.
A portable Printer library?? 

The calls from System that are portable can for 90% be written in plain Extended

Berend de Boer (100120.3121@CompuServe.COM)

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