GPC problem.._(re)

Tue, 5 Dec 1995 14:16:12 +0100 (MEZ)

According to pege:
>From pege Tue Dec  5 14:15:44 1995
GPC problem.._(re) 
To: (Martin Moerman)
Tue, 5 Dec 1995 14:15:44 +0100 (MEZ)
In-Reply-To:  from "Martin Moerman" at Dec 3, 95 02:35:38 pm
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According to Martin Moerman:
> When i use gpc i can't use the command clrsrc (clear screen).
> Normaly in pascal i have to do (uses dos;), 

you mean: uses crt;

> how can i solve this problem 
> in gpc?

You have to find some standard library (dependend of your
operating system) which contains something equivalent to
clrscr.  On DOS and OS/2, look into the EMX documentation
libref.doc (it is a C library, but never mind -- GPC.GUIDE
explains how to use it with GPC).  With Linux, write the 
terminal escape sequences to the screen to emulate functions
of CRT -- see the etc/termcap file for details.

Or you can wait a little: I am writing a system-independent
replacement for crt, graph, and the whole Turbo Vision (but in
graphics mode).  (Some people say, there would be no need for it,
but I won't stop. :-)  I hope to be ready for the first release
(of only the crt part) this year.
> ps. Is there also a manual for it (not

I am afraid, no.  But read README.TURBO, there are some things
documented, how GPC differs from Turbo.



Dipl. Phys. Peter Gerwinski
Fachbereich Physik
Universitaet-GH Essen                   Phone:  +49-201-183-2763
D-45117 Essen                           Fax:    +49-201-183-2120
Germany                                 e-mail:

Dipl. Phys. Peter Gerwinski
Fachbereich Physik
Universitaet-GH Essen                   Phone:  +49-201-183-2763
D-45117 Essen                           Fax:    +49-201-183-2120
Germany                                 e-mail:

Peter Gerwinski (pege@rs1.Theo-Phys.Uni-Essen.DE)

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