gpc - questions

Thu, 30 Nov 1995 15:12:48 GMT

	Robert Bosch GmbH				Erbach, 30.11.95
	IA1 / ESP4
	Peter Kraemer-Eis                                     

	Postfach 1162
	D-64701 Erbach                                  Tel.: 06062/78-463
	Germany                                         Fax.: 06062/78-771

	Dear Mr. Virtanen,

	in our company, we have developed the software for a robot controler.
	Up to now, we used the National NS32000 family as target-cpu. Except
	of the hardware-near parts, our present software is written in 
	NS-cross-pascal. The whole software for the robot-controler needs
	2 MByte code and is split into about 200 files (modules).
	Now we are forced to replace the target-cpu by an intel-cpu (i486 or
	i586) and we hope, that most of our present software is portable to 
	your GNU-Pascal.

	For a test, we have installed 'Linux SuSE August 95', which includes 
	your GPC version 1.1 (2.6.3). First results are quite promising, but
	there are some questions:

	(1) Is there any reference manual (in addition to the GPC.GUIDE, which
	is too short, to work with it)? If yes, how can I get it?

	(2) Is there any possibility, to avoid the case-sensitivity of the
	names of variables/procedures? Our present software is completely 
	written in capital letters and therefore we have problems when 	
	debugging with GDB.

	(3) Is there any restriction to the number of import/export of 
	variables or procedures?

	(4) How can I get the source-files of your GPC? I havn't found them
	on the CD-Roms of 'Linux SuSE August 95'.

	Best regards, yours

	    Peter Kraemer-Eis (

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