
Mon, 27 Nov 1995 17:51:56 MET


> Now I also have problems with the binding of external files to
> Pascal file variables ...
> I tried to use Extended Pascal "binding" to assign a file variable
> Type it in -- voila.  I defined a semi-dummy
> "Assign" procedure which prompts "please type in )-: myfile135.dat".
> It could not be done with "myexecutable  must type in each filename by hand.
> What shall I do ???

I used -Grts -a file_variable:filename switch to my program, which used file
file_variable (it was mentioned in program header). This worked like static
assign. Try to look somewhere in docs (use grep), I found it there. I am not
sure, whether some special switch should be given to the compiler.
If you find any better solution, I am interested in it.

		Pavel Petrovic

Pavel Petrovic (

HTML conversion by Lluís de Yzaguirre i Maura
Institut de Lingüística Aplicada - Universitat "Pompeu Fabra"