borland extensions ("PS")_(re)

Thu, 23 Nov 1995 19:21:47 +0100 (MEZ)

According to pege:
>From pege Thu Nov 23 19:21:21 1995
borland extensions ("PS")_(re) 
Thu, 23 Nov 1995 19:21:21 +0100 (MEZ)
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Hello again!

> 	I find that the extended pascal is a good language in itself,
> 	but I agree that there are far too many borland programs
> 	around to ignore them.

I think there is yet another reason:  When you want to do lo-level
programming in Pascal, you *need* the Borland extensions.  (Or, you
must write large parts in assembler, which is also non-ISO.)  And
there are more examples where things can easily be done with
Borland Pascal but are very uncomfortable or even impossible with
Extended Pascal.

>	(Also, the object pascal language
> 	looks nice and would be fun to support. Any volunteers? :-)

The Borland "nonstandard" supports objects, so the object pascal
language already *is* implemented in some sense -- I expect that
only a few names must be changed.  If a volunteer wants to imple-
ment Object Pascal:  It won't be too much work!



Dipl. Phys. Peter Gerwinski
Fachbereich Physik
Universitaet-GH Essen                   Phone:  +49-201-183-2763
D-45117 Essen                           Fax:    +49-201-183-2120
Germany                                 e-mail:

Dipl. Phys. Peter Gerwinski
Fachbereich Physik
Universitaet-GH Essen                   Phone:  +49-201-183-2763
D-45117 Essen                           Fax:    +49-201-183-2120
Germany                                 e-mail:

Peter Gerwinski (pege@rs1.Theo-Phys.Uni-Essen.DE)

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Institut de Lingüística Aplicada - Universitat "Pompeu Fabra"