NEED LINUX/ELF GPC (only a TRY to help you ...)_(re)

Mon, 13 Nov 1995 18:05:23 -0500 (EST)

On Mon, 13 Nov 1995, Peter Gerwinski wrote:
>   - get GCC 2.6.3 and GCC 2.7.0 source,
>   - look, which files of the GPC 2.6.3 source are replacing GCC 2.6.3
>     files, and make diffs between GCC 2.6.3 and GPC 2.6.3 for them,
>   - do the GPC changes to the GCC 2.7.0 files,
>   - compile GCC 2.7.0 (one stage is enough),
>   - compile GPC, now version 2.7.0, and hope the best,
>   - send your files to Juki, because he will be interested,
>   - send your files to me, because I am interested, too.
> Since I expect trouble when doing this, let us first try it in another way ...

	Thanks for the play by play.  This does look involved 'tho.  I'll 
work on it next weekend.  I'll just use Turbo Pascal on my DOS partition and 
hope when I translate it to conform to the ISO Standard, I don't make any 
mistakes (for my project thats due ... uhh .. man, tomorrow!  Sheesh, I  
better get cracking ...).

> Which gcclib do you use?  Perhaps it is already the 2.7.0 version while
> crt0.o and gpc expect the 2.6.3 version.  I suggest to install the com-
> plete gcc 2.6.3 in /usr/bin and /usr/lib.  (It should work with SlackWare
> 3.0, as I hope.)  Then also install gpc 2.6.3, and they should work to-
> gether.

	Well, I do have GCC v.2.7.0 installed, so I'm assuming the gcclib 
I have is 2.7.0.  I have no idea because the SlackWare setup script just 
installed everything.

	Hmm ... if I install gcc 2.6.3, won't it over write 2.7.0?  

	Can I install GCC 2.6.3 in it's own directory, say in 
/usr/local/bin/gcc263?  That way I won't have to worry about gcc263 
clashing with gcc270.

> For case of emergency I will figure out how to run GPC under EMX in the
> DOS emulator of Linux.  This is somehow stupid, but should work.

	Hmm ... I was told that DOSEMU operates in a similar fashion to 
OS/2 VDMs.  In that case, EMX won't work in DOSEMU because it uses the 
VPCI (or is it VCPI?  I always get it confused) protected mode standard.  
'Tho you can get the RSX package which will make EMX use the DPMI 
standard instead.  I know that works in an OS/2 VDM ...


From pege Tue Nov 14 13:21:51 1995
GPC for EMX runs in Linux DOSemu :-)
To: (Arcadio Alivio Sincero)
Tue, 14 Nov 1995 13:21:51 +0100 (MEZ)
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Arcadio Alivio Sincero (

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