Binaries and IDE for Turbo-GPC_(re)

Fri, 10 Nov 1995 11:48:41 +0100 (MEZ)

According to Arcadio Alivio Sincero:
> 	I was wondering, is the Linux verson you put up there compiled 
> for ELF?

No.  I'm sorry, but GPC version 2.6.3 is still a.out, not ELF.

> 	I want to experience compiling GPC myself ... me being a new 
> Linux user, it'd be a great learning experience.  'Tho I know the install 
> notes for GPC specifically called for GCC v.2.6.3, I was wondering if 
> it'll work with GCC v.2.7.0?  If not, how can I set it up so it'll produce 
> an ELF version of GPC?

I don't know about GPC 2.6.3 with GCC 2.7.0, but Juki recently wrote that
he would upgrade GPC to 2.7.1.  So just wait, and you'll get an ELF version
of GPC which will produce ELF code.


Dipl. Phys. Peter Gerwinski
Fachbereich Physik
Universitaet-GH Essen                   Phone:  +49-201-183-2763
D-45117 Essen                           Fax:    +49-201-183-2120
Germany                                 e-mail:

Peter Gerwinski (pege@rs1.Theo-Phys.Uni-Essen.DE)

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