Announcement: Borland extensions for GPC_(re)

Tue, 7 Nov 1995 10:16:04 -0500 (EST)

On Mon, 6 Nov 1995, Peter Gerwinski wrote:

> I have implemented most of the Borland extensions
> -- and some other stuff -- into GPC.
> My extensions include:
>   - Units
>   - Compiler directives
>   - Bit manipulations: and, or, shl, shr
>   - Increment, decrement, min, max
>   - Absolute variables
>   - Objects
>   - User-definable operators
> The modified sources are available on
> in the directory /gpc/turbo-alpha.
> I am looking forward to receive your comments. :-)

	Awesome.  Good job Peter!

	'Tho I wish somebody would finish up the Extended Pascal portions 
of GPC.  I'm trying to steer myself away for using the Borland "standard" 
(or non-standard ...).  

	Well, at least now we got a "Borland" Pascal compiler for Linux 
(there is a Linux version, right?  I've only recently switched from OS/2 
to Linux ... but I'm pretty sure I saw a Linux version last time I was on ...).


Arcadio Alivio Sincero (

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