converter bp->ep

Wed, 01 Nov 1995 01:34:21 +0100

I'd like to convert some of my borland pascal units
in extended pascal modules (or in gpc modules). 
Does such a converter exist (and where) ?

Otherwise I'll write one using flex & bison on a subset
of the extended pascal grammar. It would be nice if I
could get it (the .lex and .yacc files are not in the
gpc snapshot)

Is there a solution to the following constraint :
  the interface part of all the modules used by a program
  have to be included at his beginning.
The solution of deducing the name of the module file from 
the import name (as borland do) was excluded (not portable ?)

My converter would implement the solution using #include ""
directives in the main program.  Each borland pascal unit would be 
splitted in a 'unit.pas' file (implementation) and a '' file

PONSARD Christophe
Universiti catholique de Louvain
Dipartement d'inginierie informatique

Bbtiment Riaumur, place Sainte Barbe
1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
til.  : 010/47 31 30

Christophe Ponsard (

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