GPC for EMX works! Announcments?_(re)

Thu, 21 Sep 1995 16:13:08 +0300 (EET DST)

On Thu, 21 Sep 1995 wrote:

> > According to
> > > 
> > > Hi Jukka and Peter,
> > > 
> > >   do you think (or mind) announcing this os/2 port of gpc in the
> > >   appropriate news groups, like comp.os.os2.announce,
> > >   comp.os.os2.programming, and comp.lang.pascal.ansi-iso?
> > >   There are still rumors that there would be no os/2 port, you know,
> > >   eventhough I have downloaded it already ... :-)
> > > 
> > >   Later.  Stefan
> > > 
> > > PS: I you give me the go-ahead I don't mind doing it.
> > > 
> >     I don't mind, I just hope it works :-)
> >						Juki
> > 
> >     I don't mind either.  I also only hope it works.  :->
> > 
> >         Peter
> Okay, so I take it one of you will take care of this, right? Or do you mean
> that neither of you does mind *me* doing it? Lemme know.   Stefan :-]

	If you wish to announce the availability of the EMX binaries,
	just go ahead. But also note that you should consider
	the gnu general public license and distribution of binaries.

	It is rather a complicated process, you should be sure that
	you are able to provide sources to everyone who get a copy
	of the binary. As the 2.6.3 sources are now available, it seems
	ok. But how about a year from now? I trust you keep a copy
	around :-) Just to be sure, please read the gnu licenses, for both
	the programs and the libraries.

	This is the reason I would not like to distribute binaries
	at all; but I understand that it might be complicated for some
	people to get the things compiled and working, sigh.


Jukka Virtanen (

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