GPC for EMX works! Announcments?_(re)

Thu, 21 Sep 1995 09:03:35 -0400 (EDT)

> According to
> > 
> > Hi Jukka and Peter,
> > 
> >   do you think (or mind) announcing this os/2 port of gpc in the
> >   appropriate news groups, like comp.os.os2.announce,
> >   comp.os.os2.programming, and comp.lang.pascal.ansi-iso?
> >   There are still rumors that there would be no os/2 port, you know,
> >   eventhough I have downloaded it already ... :-)
> > 
> >   Later.  Stefan
> > 
> > PS: I you give me the go-ahead I don't mind doing it.
> > 

>     I don't mind, I just hope it works :-)

>						Juki
>     I don't mind either.  I also only hope it works.  :->
>         Peter

Okay, so I take it one of you will take care of this, right? Or do you mean
that neither of you does mind *me* doing it? Lemme know.   Stefan :-]

now where is that .sig of mine?! (

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