AltaVista Search Network

When should the Advanced Query form be Used?

    Advanced search is for very specific queries and not for general searching. Almost everything you need to do can be done more quickly and with better results through the simple form, where AltaVista controls the ranking. However, if you need to find documents within a certain range of dates or if you have to do some complex boolean searches there isn't a more powerful tool on the web. Remember, when you use the advanced search form, you control the ranking and if the ranking field is left blank, no ranking will be applied and the results will be in no particular order.
Boolean Operations:
    Use the following operators to require or exclude items in an Advanced Search. The + and - operators do not work when using the Advanced search form.

    Keyword Symbol Action
    AND& Finds only documents containing all of the specified words or phrases. Mary AND lamb finds documents with both the word Mary and the word lamb.
    OR| Finds documents containing at least one of the specified words or phrases. Mary OR lamb finds documents containing either Mary or lamb. The found documents could contain both, but do not have to.
    NOT! Excludes documents containing the specified word or phrase. Mary AND NOT lamb finds documents with Mary but not containing lamb. NOT cannot stand alone--use it with another operator, like AND. For example, AltaVista does not accept Mary NOT lamb; instead, specify Mary AND NOT lamb.
    NEAR~ Finds documents containing both specified words or phrases within 10 words of each other. Mary NEAR lamb would find the nursery rhyme, but likely not religious or Christmas-related documents.

Specifying a range of dates:
    You can restrict an Advanced Search to find only documents last modified during a specific time frame. When entering To and From dates, use the format dd/mmm/yy, where dd is the day of the month, mmm is the name of the month, and yy is the last two digits of the year. Be sure to use the name of the month instead of a number; this eliminates ambiguity between date formats in different countries. For example, use 09/jan/96.

    If you omit the year when entering a date, the AltaVista assumes that the date is in the current year. If you omit both the year and the month and specify only numbers for days, the search assumes the current month and year. For example, entering a From date of 09/jan indicates that you want documents dated no earlier than January 9 of the current year. Entering a From date of 09 indicates that you want documents dated no earlier than the ninth day of the current month in the current year.

Ranking results:
    To rank matches, enter terms in the Ranking field; otherwise, the results will appear in no particular order. You could enter words that are part of your query or enter new words as an additional way to refine your search. For example, you could further narrow a search for COBOL AND programming by entering advanced and experienced in the Ranking field.
Exact Phrases:
    If you know that a certain phrase will appear on the page you are looking for, put the phrase in quotes. (for example, try entering song lyrics such as "you ain't nothing but a hound dog")
Search Syntax: (special functions)
    AltaVista doesn't just search text. Here are all of the other ways you can search on the net:

    Special Functions for Web Searches
    Keyword Function
    anchor:text Finds pages that contain the specified word or phrase in the text of a hyperlink. anchor:"Click here to visit AltaVista" would find pages with "Click here to visit AltaVista" as a link.
    applet:class Finds pages that contain a specified Java applet. Use applet:morph to find pages using applets called morph.
    domain:domainname Finds pages within the specified domain. Use domain:de to find pages from Germany, or use domain:org to find pages from organizations.
    host:name Finds pages on a specific computer. The search would find pages on the AltaVista computer, and would find pages on the computer called dilbert at
    image:filename Finds pages with images having a specific filename. Use image:elvis to find pages with images called elvis.
    link:URLtext Finds pages with a link to a page with the specified URL text. Use to find all pages linking to AltaVista.
    text:text Finds pages that contain the specified text in any part of the page other than an image tag, link, or URL. The search text:cow9 would find all pages with the term cow9 in them.
    title:text Finds pages that contain the specified word or phrase in the page title (which appears in the title bar of most browsers). The search title:Elvis would find pages with Elvis in the title.
    url:text Finds pages with a specific word or phrase in the URL. Use url:altavista to find all pages on all servers that have the word altavista in the host name, path, or filename--the complete URL, in other words.

    Special Functions for Usenet Searches
    from:username@addressFinds articles posted with the specified e-mail address. For example, use to find presidential postings.
    subject:"text" Finds articles with the specified word or phrase in the Subject field. Use subject:"basketball playoffs" to find postings with "basketball playoffs" in the subject.
    newsgroups:groupnameFinds articles posted in the specified newsgroup. Use just part of the group name to match a range of groups, like newsgroups:nl to match all groups from the Netherlands.
    summary:textFinds articles with the specified word or phrase in the Summary field. Use summary:playoffs to find postings with playoffs in the summary field.
    keywords:textFinds articles containing keywords matching the specified word or portion of a word. Use keywords:beta to find postings with beta in the keywords field.

    AltaVista allows you to search through "the Web" or "Usenet". By selecting "the Web" you can search through all of the web pages in our index. By selecting "Usenet" you will be searching through all of the articles posted to Usenet (Internet wide discussion groups) in the last two weeks. The Usenet index is updated continuously, so when an article is submitted, it will be indexed within a few minutes. The Web index is updated on a daily basis through the the Add/Remove URL function. The index is completely rebuilt periodically to clear out old links, re-examine all of the sites in our index and find new sites on the web.
    AltaVista allows you to limit your results to those of a particular language. This is very helpful when you perform a search and find that many of the results are not in your native language.
Refining a Query:
    If you find that too many results are coming back on your search, you can use Cow9, our refine tool, to narrow your search. Cow9 dynamically sorts your results into different topics allowing you to move your search in the right direction. For more information see the Cow9 help.
Case Sensitivity:
    Use only lower case unless you want your search to be case sensitive. If you search for Coffee, you'll get only documents that include that word with just that capitalization. If you search for coffee, you'll get any page with that word.
    Use an asterisk (*) to broaden your search. To find any words that start with gold, use gold* to find matches for gold, goldfinch, goldfinger, and golden. Use this if the word you are searching for could have different endings. (for example, don't search for dog, search for dog* if it could be plural)
The Results:
    To open results in a separate window, click on the window icon ( Preview ) located at the left of each result URL.
Special Characters and Punctuation
    AltaVista Search defines a word as any string of letters and digits that is separated by either:
    White space, such as spaces, tabs, line ends, or the start or end of a document, or Special characters and punctuation, such as %, $, /, #, and _

    AltaVista ignores punctuation except to interpret it as a separator for words. Placing punctuation or special characters between each word, with no spaces between the characters and the words, is also a way to indicate a phrase. For example, consider searching for a telephone number. Entering 1-800-555-1212 is easier than entering "1 800 555 1212", which is an equally acceptable syntax, but is less natural. Hyphenated words, such as CD-ROM, also automatically form a phrase because of the hyphen.

    Normally, however, we recommend using double quotes to indicate a phrase because some special characters have additional meaning:

    • In both Simple and Advanced Search, you can use the asterisk (*) as a wildcard indicating that you want to find all words containing a match for the specified pattern of letters.
    • The + and - characters are operators that help to filter the results of a Simple Search.
    • The &, |, ~, and ! characters are operators that help to filter the results of an Advanced Search.
Multinational Characters
    AltaVista supports exact-match searches for characters in the ISO Latin-1 character set. That is, you can enter a word containing an accent or other diacritical mark, and AltaVista will find only documents with the accented spelling of the word.

    Character(s) Mapping Character(s) Mapping
    Æ AE æ ae
    Á Â À Å Ã ÄAá â à å ã äa
    ÇCç c
    Ð Dð d
    É Ê È Ë Eé ê è ë e
    Í Î Ì Ï Ií î ì ï i
    Ñ Nñ n
    Ó Ô Ò Ø Õ ÖOó ô ò ø õ ö o
    Þ THþ th
    Ú Û Ù Ü Uú û ù ü u
    Ý Yý ÿy
DIGITAL Equipment Corporation