Hypertextual text & term Representation

Graphical Paradigms



Unlimited productivity
Industrial modernity (and consequently the wild and harsh development of capitalism) started with this paradigm. The core value was to set at any cost the bases for an unlimited development of industrial production and artefacts. At that time the destroying effects of certain types of energies were not known. Nor was the issue of the possibility of their exhaustion. Those who advocate for this paradigm took the course of action of using any type of energy irrespective of its environmental effects. Thus non renewable energies prevailed over the renewable ones.

Sustainable growth
This paradigm also requires the industrial development to be the core value. Here the key issue is to ameliorate the problems related to the phase of wild industrial development. Alternative energies, of a renewable and (whenever possible) clean nature, become the main novelty of this proposal. Also it is sought the progressive reduction of non renewable and polluting energies which come in second place (classical energies). Likewise new measures of regeneration the already damaged environment are encouraged.