MODERNITY This paradigm is based on a core value i.e. that of the ever-growing development of technologies and artefacts that are carried out by the "Engineering Creation". The different types of energies are the main way to keep these artefacts going. The natural environment is thought to provide machines with the necessary energy and it is also regarded as something that has to be replaced by artificial spaces.

TRADITION This paradigm is based on the balance of three dimensions: Human Beings, Nature and Sacredness. The three of them constitute an indissoluble yet diverse and distinc Unity. Those cultures on which this paradigm is based, have a core value consisting of an attempt to maintain a continuous balance among the three dimensions. Artefacts that have been designed by humankind together with energies they consum remain subordinated to the core balance of the three dimensions. Nature is regarded as the environment which gives way to life as well as any type of energy. Natures has to be respected and cared. Under no circumstances should it be destroyed or generally replaced by any other environment. Spiritual, mental and corporeal energies have an harmonic relation with other energies from productive cycles (whether natural or artificial).

PRODUCTIVITY Within the paradigm of Modernity this paradigm stresses the ever- growing growth of artefacts and nature transformation so that the progress of Humanity does not stop. The key issue is how to achieve good levels of productivity. According to periods or nations, this productivity is attained regardless of the amount of damage towards the Nature. Alternatively it could be achieved by diminishingthe destroying effects of certain types of energies.

HARMONY This paradigm is mainly conveyed the more radical ecological groups so that get back to the lost balance between the human being and nature within the industrial modernity. Thus these people emphasize the use of clean energies as the main point of their proposal. Also they strongly oppose to polluting energies. The pressure of the productivity paradigm together with the lack of the three-dimensional meaning of the traditional paradigm leads this ecological tendency to go once and again to the sustainable growth paradigm.

UNLIMITED PRODUCTIVITY Industrial modernity (and consequently the wild and harsh development of capitalism) started with this paradigm. The core value was to set at any cost the bases for an unlimited development of industrial production and artefacts. At that time the destroying effects of certain types of energies were not known. Nor was the issue of the possibility of their exhaustion. Those who advocate for this paradigm took the course of action of using any type of energy irrespective of its environmental effects. Thus non renewable energies prevailed over the renewable ones.

SUSTAINABLE GROWTH This paradigm also requires the industrial development to be the core value. Here the key issue is to ameliorate the problems related to the phase of wild industrial development. Alternative energies, of a renewable and (whenever possible) clean nature, become the main novelty of this proposal. Also it is sought the progressive reduction of non renewable and polluting energies which come in second place (classical energies). Likewise new measures of regeneration the already damaged environment are encouraged.