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[Atal 76] Atal B.S., "Automatic recognition of speakers from their voices", Proc. IEEE, vol. 64, n. 4, pp. 460, April 1976.

[Doddington 85] Doddington G.R., "Speaker recognition - Identifying people by their voices", Proc. IEEE, vol. 73, n. 11, pp. 1651, November 1985.

[Furui 81] Furui S., "Cepstral analysis technique for automatic speaker verification", IEEE Trans. on ASSP, vol. 29, n. 2, 1981.

[Furui 94] Furui S., "An overview of speaker verification technology", ESCA-ETRW Workshop, Martigny, 1994. Incomplete reference.

[Gish 86] Gish H., Kraner M., Russel W., Wolf J., "Methods and experiments for text-independent speaker recognition over the telephone line", ICASSP, 17.2.1, pp. 865, 1986.

[Oglesby 95] Oglesby J., "What's in a number ? : Moving beyond the equal error rate", To appear in Speech Communication, August 1995. Also published in Martigny ETRW in 1994. Incomplete reference

[Reynolds 95] Reynolds D., "???", to appear in Speech Communication, August 1995. Also published in ETRW Martigny 1994. Incomplete reference.

[Rosenberg 76] Rosenberg A. E., "Automatic speaker verification : a review", Proc. IEEE, vol. 64, n. 4, pp. 475, April 1976.

[Soong 87] Soong F.K., Rosenberg A.E., Juang B.H., Rabiner L.R., "A Vector Quantization approach to speaker recognition", AT&T Technical Journal, vol. 66, issue 2, March-April 1987.

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