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Summary of the current situation on a per language basis

DANISH (Denmark)

Existing databases and their actors

Ongoing projects & new initiatives


There is a national academic effort. Telecom operator has a history of being involved in EEC projects and in the domain. Activities are carried out within National or EEC funded projects. The basic material exists (EUROM1) but is still not available. No other known industrial initiatives.

DUTCH (The Netherlands)

Existing databases and their actors

Ongoing projects & new initiatives


The speech community in Holland is very active. Active participation in ESCA (president is L. Pols), Elsnet, Eagles, Eurococosda, Cocosda. Strong cooperation between academics and telecom. Strong national effort. Industrial involvement unknown.
SPEX, the Dutch Speech Processing Expertise Centre located in Leidschendam, is interested to get involved, as the Dutch node, in a European infrastructure for database collection and exploitation. It distributes some corpora. EUROM1 to be made available on CDROM.

ENGLISH (United Kingdom)

Existing databases and their actors

Ongoing projects & new initiatives

English is represented in the EUROCOCOSDA (TED) , EAGLES, and ELSNET initiatives.


Very active speech community in a variety of areas from fundamental research to technology development and applications. Many universities, companies, national telecom involved in the domain. Strong national effort, with active participation in EEC projects. Basic material seems to be available. EUROM1 to be made available as multi-lingual resource (organised by A. Fourcin, UCL). However at the current time, the only resources whose dissemination are well-defined are those managed in cooperation with LDC. Other cases are by local arrangement.

FRENCH (France, Belgium, Switzerland)

Existing databases and their actors

Ongoing projects & new initiatives

French is represented in the main European (and world-wide) current initiatives such as COCOSDA, EAGLES, EUROCOCOSDA, RELATOR, SQALE, ONOMASTICA, FREETEL and (through Switzerland) Polyphone, TED-Martigny. Some of these initiatives deal with linguistic resource standardisation, dissemination and production. The very next resources to be produced in French will be under the sponsorship of

--- the French-speaking network: FRANCIL (Réseau Francophone de l'Ingénierie de la Langue): speech synthesis, vocal dictation, person-machine dialogue
--- EEC: Polyphone type French corpus by Philips (SPEECHDAT), timetable enquires over the telephone (RAILTEL).


GERMAN (Germany)

Existing databases and their actors

Ongoing projects & new initiatives

Various national, industrial, and EEC initiatives and cooperations, as:


GREEK (Greece)

Existing databases and their actors

Ongoing projects & new initiatives



Considering that Greece is a bit late for what concerns telephone equipment, speech technology is not the today crucial concern in Greece. So the investment of telephone companies is low, and there is no promising national initiative. The main basic research corpora have been produced due to EEC contracts, and it is therefore very important to achieve the work so far done (e.g. Basic material to be made available (EUROM1)).


Existing databases and their actors

Ongoing projects & new initiatives

Italy is member of the COCOSDA, EUROCOCOSDA initiatives.



Existing databases and their actors

Ongoing projects & new initiatives


Research institutes, National Telecom, telephone operator are present. EUROM1 to be made available as basic material. General lack of basic research corpora.


Existing databases and their actors

Ongoing projects & new initiatives

Portugal is represented in some European current initiatives such as ONOMASTICA, RELATOR, ELSNET, SPEECHDAT and COST.



Existing databases and their actors

Ongoing projects & new initiatives


All actors present. Many universities, research institutes public or privates, national telecom operator involved in the domain. Growing national effort, accompanied by a survey of textual and spoken corpora in Spanish. No corpus is currently available on CDROM. Availability and cost information not well-defined.

SWEDISH (Sweden)

Existing databases and their actors

Ongoing projects & new initiatives


Some research institutes are involved in speech technology. Effort for basic Swedish resources was supported the Swedish government to participate in EEC projects and by other national efforts. There is now national effort towards application-oriented and advanced material. But the basic material (EUROM1) is still to be made available.
Status of telephone-based corpora unknown.

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