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Godfrey, J., Graff, D. & Martin, A. (1994) ``Public databases for speaker recognition and verification.'' Proc. ESCA Workshop Automatic Speaker Recognition, Identification and Verification,, Martigny, 5--7 April 1994, pp. 39--42.

Bernstein, J., Taussig, K. & Godfrey, J. (1994) ``Macrophone: An American English Telephone Speech Corpus for the Polyphone Project.'' Proc. ICASSP-'94, Adelaide 19--22 April 1994, pp. I-81--I-83.

Boves, L., Boogaart,T. & Bos, L. (1994) ``Design and recording of large data bases for speaker verification and identification.'' Proc. ESCA Workshop Automatic Speaker Recognition, Identification and Verification,, Martigny, 5--7 April 1994, pp. 43--46.

Damhuis, M., Boogaart, T., in 't Veld, C., Versteijlen, M., Schelvis, W., Bos, L. & Boves, L. (1994) ``Creation and analysis of the Dutch Polyphone Corpus.'' Proc. ICSLP-'94, paper 30.5.


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