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PTM (Parametric Test Manager)

1.0, March l994

Hardware / OS requirements:
Extended SESAM workstation:
(Windows operating system and a MCI-compatible sound card, 800x600 pixel graphics system). There are no special memory or hard disk requirements. The hard disk capacity depends on the amount of speech files which the user wants to use. The PTM software needs 4.5Mb for installation where 2.4Mb are used by the sample test files.


The new Speech Output software (SO software) of the SAM-A Project was designed to provide a tool which covers most aspects of speech assessment. This tool is called Parametric Test Manager (PTM). The PTM system consists of different databases and programs. Hence PTM is not a single application, but a software package.

The PTM includes the following features: (1) resource data management, (2) test management modules and (3) demonstration test. The resource data management includes the facilities to allocate stimuli, their acoustical realisations and subject data. From these data test corpora or subject groups can be created.

The new Speech-Output software does not only deal with data representation, but also with execution of a test. The software provides facilitites to support people who want to carry out a certain test. A test execution can be divided into three phases: (1) test definition and preparation, (2) stimulus presentation and (3) scoring and documentation. The PT design includes applications to perform typical tasks as data acquisition, test list generation and session supervision.

Developing lab:

Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB), GERMANY
Lehrstuhl für allg. Elektrotechnik und Akustik
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
44780 Bochum

Tel: (+49) 234 700 6652

Fax: (+49) 234 7094 165


Thomas Hegehofer


WWW Administrator
Fri May 19 11:53:36 MET DST 1995