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SAM_SPEX (Speech Parameter Extractor)

2.0, 25. Feb. 1992

Hardware / OS requirements:
Low Level SESAM Workstation


SAM_SPEX provides an analytic basis for the definition of recogniser performance. The SAM project has adopted six speaker dependent speech parameter defined within the British Alvey project, MMI 132 STA. SAM_SPEX version 2.0 implements the extraction of these parameters from isolated words. The parameters measured are:

Developing lab:

Jydsk Telefon
Sletvej 30
DK-8310 Tranbjerg -- J

Tel: (45) 86 29 33 66

Fax: (45) 86 29 90 68

Sven Danielsen

This software is currently only available to SAM partners as the definition of the parameters is under review and an improved definition is in preparation.

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