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                          April 1992 

                          Mindful of the freedom-loving, democratic and nation-building traditions, historical
                          ties and shared interests of the state of Serbia and the state of Montenegro. 

                          Arising from the unbroken continuity of Yugoslavia and voluntary association
                          between Serbia and Montenegro. 

                          The Federal Chamber of the Assembly of the Socialist Federal Republic of
                          Yugoslavia, following upon the proposals and consent of the National Assembly of
                          the Republic of Serbia and the Assembly of the Republic of Montenegro. 

                          Hereby adopts and promulgates: 


                          SECTION I 

                          BASIC PROVISIONS 

                          Article 1 

                          The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia shall be a sovereign federal state, founded on
                          the equality of citizens and the equality of its member republics. 

                          Article 2 

                          The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia shall be composed of the Republic of Serbia
                          and the Republic of Montenegro. 

                          The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia may be joined by other member republics, in
                          accordance with the present Constitution. 

                          Article 3 

                          The territory of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia shall be a single entity
                          comprising the territories of the member republics. 

                          The frontiers of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia shall be inviolable. 

                          The boundaries between member republics may be changed only subject to their
                          agreement, in accordance with the constitutions of the member republics. 

                          Article 4 

                          The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia shall have a flag, a national anthem, and a

                          The flag of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia shall consist of three horizontal
                          stripes, blue, white and red in that order, from top to bottom. 

                          The national anthem of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia shall be "Hej Sloveni". 

                          The coat-of-arms of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia is to be established by
                          federal statute. 

                          Article 5 

                          The capital city of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia shall be Belgrade. 

                          Article 6 

                          A member republic shall be a state in which power is vested in its citizens. 

                          A member republic shall be sovereign in matters which under the present
                          Constitution are not reserved to the jurisdiction of the Federal Republic of

                          A member republic shall autonomously organize its government under its own

                          The right of local self-government shall be guaranteed, in accordance with the
                          constitution of each member republic. 

                          Article 7 

                          Within its competencies, a member republic may maintain relations with foreign
                          states, establish its own missions in other states, and join international organizations.

                          Within its competencies, a member republic may conclude international
                          agreements, but not to the detriment of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia or any
                          of its other member republics. 

                          Article 8 

                          In the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, power shall be vested in the citizens. 

                          Citizens shall exercise power directly and through freely elected representatives. 

                          Article 9 

                          The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia shall be founded on the rule of law. 

                          Laws must be in conformity with the Constitution. 

                          Executive and judicial powers shall be subject to law. 

                          The rights and freedoms of man and the citizen shall be restricted only by the equal
                          rights and freedoms of others and in instances provided for in the present

                          Article 10 

                          The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia shall recognize and guarantee the rights an
                          freedoms of man and the citizen recognized under international law. 

                          Article 11 

                          The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia shall recognize and guarantee the rights of
                          national minorities to preserve, foster and express their ethnic, cultural, linguistic
                          and other peculiarities, as well as to use their national symbols, in accordance with
                          international law. 

                          Article 12 

                          Authority in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia shall be organized on the principle
                          of the separation of powers between the legislature, executive, and judiciary. 

                          Article 13 

                          The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia shall constitute a single economic area having
                          a single market. 

                          In the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, economic activities shall be pursued
                          according to the principles of a market economy. 

                          Article 14 

                          Political pluralism shall be the prerequisite and guarantee for the democratic
                          political order in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. 

                          Article 15 

                          In the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, the Serbian language in its ekavian and
                          ijekavian dialects and the Cyrillic script shall be official, while the Latin script shall
                          be in official use as provided for by the Constitution and law. 

                          In regions of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia inhabited by national minorities,
                          the languages and scripts of these minorities shall also be in official use in the
                          manner prescribed by law. 

                          Article 16 

                          The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia shall fulfill in good faith the obligations
                          contained in international treaties to which it is a contracting party. 

                          International treaties which have been ratified and promulgated in conformity with
                          the present Constitution and generally accepted rules of international law shall be a
                          constituent part of the internal legal order. 

                          Article 17 

                          The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia shall confer Yugoslav citizenship on its

                          A Yugoslav citizen shall be simultaneously a citizen of one of its member republics. 

                          A Yugoslav citizen may not be deprived of his citizenship, deported from the
                          country, or extradited to another state. 

                          A Yugoslav citizen abroad shall enjoy the protection of the Federal Republic of

                          Yugoslav citizenship shall be regulated by federal law. 

                          Article 18 

                          Church and state shall be separate. 

                          Churches shall be free and equal in conducting religious affairs and in the
                          performance of religious rites. 

                          SECTION II 


                          Article 19 

                          The freedoms, rights and duties of man and the citizen which ensure the equality of
                          people and citizens in the Republic of Yugoslavia shall be laid down by the present

                          Article 20 

                          Citizens shall be equal irrespective of their nationality, race, sex, language, faith,
                          political or other beliefs, education, social origin, property, or other personal status.

                          Everyone shall be equal before the law. 

                          Each person shall be duty bound to respect the rights and freedoms of others and
                          shall be held responsible for it. 

                          Article 21 

                          Human life shall be inviolable. 

                          Criminal offenses prescribed by federal legislation may not carry the death penalty. 

                          Article 22 

                          The inviolability of the physical and psychological integrity of the individual, his
                          privacy and personal rights shall be guaranteed. 

                          The personal dignity and security of individuals shall be guaranteed. 

                          Article 23 

                          Every individual shall have the right of personal freedom. 

                          No one may be deprived of his liberty except in cases and according to the
                          procedure laid down by federal law. 

                          Every person taken into custody must be informed immediately in his mother
                          tongue or in a language which he understands of the reasons for his arrest, and he
                          shall be entitled to demand that the authorities inform his next of kin of his

                          The detained person must promptly be informed of his right to remain silent. 

                          The detained person shall be entitled to choose his own defense counsel. 

                          Illegal arrests shall be a punishable offense. 

                          Article 24 

                          A person suspected of having committed a criminal offense may be taken into
                          custody and detained by order of a competent court only when it is necessary for
                          the conduct of criminal proceedings. 

                          The detained person must be given an explanation for his arrest of arrest. The
                          suspect shall have the right of appeal, which must be decided on by the court within
                          48 hours. 

                          The length of detention must be of the shortest possible duration. 

                          The detention ordered by a first instance court may not exceed three months from
                          the day of arrest. This time limit may be extended for a further three months by
                          order of a higher court. If by the end of this period charges have not been brought,
                          the suspect shall be released. 

                          Article 25 

                          Respect for the human personality and dignity in criminal and all other proceeding
                          in the event of detention or restriction of freedom, as well as during the serving of a
                          prison sentence, shall be guaranteed. 

                          The use of force against a suspect who has been detained or whose freedom has
                          been restricted, as well as any forcible extraction of confessions or statements, shall
                          be prohibited and punishable. 

                          No one may be subjected to torture, or to degrading treatment or punishment. 

                          Medical and other scientific experimentation may not be carried out on an
                          individual without his consent. 

                          Article 26 

                          Every person shall be entitled to equal protection of his rights in a legally prescribed

                          Everyone shall be guaranteed the right of appeal or resort to other legal remedies
                          against a decision which infringes a right or legally founded interest. 

                          Article 27 

                          No one may be punished for an act which did not constitute a penal offense under
                          law or by-law at the time it was committed, nor may punishment be inflicted which
                          was not envisaged for the offense in question. 

                          Criminal offenses and criminal sanctions shall be determined by statute. 

                          Everyone charged with a criminal offense shall have the right to be presumed
                          innocent until proved guilty under a valid decision of the court. 

                          A wrongfully convicted or wrongfully detained person shall be entitled to
                          rehabilitation and to compensation for damages from the state, and to other rights
                          as envisaged by federal law. 

                          Article 28 

                          No one may be tried or punished a second time for an offense for which the
                          proceedings against him had been legally suspended or the charges rejected or for
                          which he had been convicted or acquitted by a court decision. 

                          Article 29 

                          Every person shall be guaranteed the right to defend himself and the right to engage
                          a defense counsel before the court of other body authorized to conduct

                          No one being tried before a court or other body authorized to conduct
                          proceedings may be punished without being granted a hearing and allowed to
                          defend himself, in accordance with federal statute. 

                          Every person shall be entitled to have a defense counsel of his choice present at his

                          The cases when a suspect must be given legal assistance shall be spelled out by
                          federal law. 

                          Article 30 

                          Citizen shall be guaranteed freedom of movement and residence and the right to
                          leave and return to the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. 

                          The freedom of movement and residence and the right to leave the Federal
                          Republic of Yugoslavia may be restricted by federal statute, if so required for
                          criminal proceedings, to prevent the spread of contagious diseases, or for the
                          defense of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. 

                          Article 31 

                          The home shall be inviolable. 

                          Federal statute may prescribe that a person acting in an official capacity. and
                          possessed of a court warrant, may enter a dwelling or other premises against the
                          will of their tenants and carry out a search. 

                          The search must be held in the presence of two witnesses. 

                          In the manner laid down by federal law, an authorized official may enter a dwelling
                          or other premises without a court warrant and carry out a search without the
                          presence of witnesses if so required to apprehend the perpetrator of a criminal
                          offense or to save human lives and property. 

                          Article 32 

                          Privacy of the mail and of other means of communication shall be inviolable. 

                          Federal statute may prescribe that, under a court decision, the principle of
                          inviolability of privacy of the mail and other means of communication may be put in
                          abeyance if so required for the purposes of criminal proceedings, or for the defense
                          of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. 

                          Article 33 

                          Protection of the secrecy of personal data shall be guaranteed. 

                          The use of personal data for purposes other than those for which they were
                          compiled shall be prohibited. 

                          Everyone shall have the right of access to personal data concerning himself as well
                          as the right of court protection in the event of their abuse. 

                          The collection, processing, utilization and protection of personal data shall be
                          regulated by federal statute. 

                          Article 34 

                          A Yugoslav citizen who has reached the age of 18 shall be entitled to vote and to
                          be elected to public office. 

                          Article 35 

                          Freedom of confession, conscience, thought and public expression of opinion shall
                          be guaranteed. 

                          Article 36 

                          Freedom of the press and other forms of public information shall be guaranteed. 

                          Citizens shall have the right to express and publish their opinions in the mass media.

                          The publication of newspapers and public dissemination of information by other
                          media shall be accessible to all, without prior approval, after registration with the
                          competent authorities. 

                          Radio and television stations shall be set up in accordance with the law. 

                          Article 37 

                          The right to have published false information which violates someone's rights or
                          interests corrected shall be guaranteed. Entitlement to compensation for damages
                          arising therefrom, shall be guaranteed. 

                          The right of reply in the public media shall be guaranteed. 

                          Article 38 

                          Censorship of the press and of other forms of public information shall be

                          No one may prevent the distribution of the press or dissemination of other
                          publications, unless it has been determined by a court decision that they call for the
                          violent overthrow of the constitutional order or violation of the territorial integrity of
                          the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, violate the guaranteed rights and liberties of
                          man and the citizen, or foment national, racial or religious intolerance and hatred. 

                          Article 39 

                          Freedom of speech and public appearance shall be guaranteed. 

                          Article 40 

                          Citizens shall be guaranteed the freedom of assembly and other peaceful gathering,
                          without the requirement of a permit, subject to prior notification of the authorities. 

                          Freedom of assembly and other peaceful gathering of citizen may be provisionally
                          restricted by a decision of the competent authorities, in order to obviate a threat to
                          public health or morals or for the protection of the safety of human lives and

                          Article 41 

                          The freedom of political, trade-union and other association and activities shall be
                          guaranteed, without the requirement of a permit, subject to registration with the
                          competent authorities. 

                          Sources of revenue of political parties shall be open to public scrutiny. 

                          Trade unions shall be set up to protect the rights and promote the professional and
                          economic interests of their members. 

                          Article 42 

                          Activities of political, trade-union, and other organizations aimed at the violent
                          overthrow of the constitutional order, violation of the territorial integrity of the
                          Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, violation of the guaranteed rights and liberties of
                          man and the citizen, or the incitement of national, racial, religious or other
                          intolerance and hatred shall be prohibited. 

                          The founding of secret societies and paramilitary groups shall be prohibited. 

                          Professional members of the armed forces and police force of the Federal Republic
                          of Yugoslavia may not organize in trade unions. 

                          Justices of the Federal Constitutional Court and the Federal Court, the Federal
                          Public Prosecutor, professional members of the armed forces and police force of
                          the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia may not belong to political parties. 

                          Article 43 

                          Freedom of religion, public or private profession of religion, and performance of
                          religious rites shall be guaranteed. 

                          No one shall be obliged to reveal his religious beliefs. 

                          Article 44 

                          Citizens shall have the right publicly to criticize the work of government and other
                          agencies and organizations and officials, to submit representations, petitions and
                          proposals and to receive an answer if so requested. 

                          Citizens may not be called to account or bear any other consequences for opinions
                          expressed in the course of public criticism or in a submitted representation, petition
                          or proposal, unless they have thereby committed a criminal offense. 

                          Article 45 

                          Freedom of the expression of national sentiments and culture and the use of one's
                          mother tongue and script shall be guaranteed. 

                          No one shall be obliged to declare his nationality. 

                          Article 46 

                          Members of national minorities shall have the right to education in their own
                          language, in conformity with the law. 

                          Members of national minorities shall have the right to information media in their
                          own language. 

                          Article 47 

                          Member of national minorities shall have the right to establish educational and
                          cultural organizations or associations, in conformity with the law, which are
                          financed on the principle of voluntary contributions, and may also receive
                          assistance from the state. 

                          Article 48 

                          Members of national minorities shall be guaranteed the right to establish and foster
                          unhindered relations with co-nationals within the Republic of Yugoslavia and
                          outside its borders with co-nationals in other states, and to take part in international
                          non-governmental organizations, provided these relations are not detrimental to the
                          Federal Republic of Yugoslavia or to a member republic. 

                          Article 49 

                          Everyone shall be guaranteed the right to use his own language in proceedings
                          before a tribunal or other authority or organization which in the performance of
                          their public powers decide on his rights and duties and in the course of these
                          proceedings to be informed of the facts in hi own language. 

                          Article 50 

                          Any incitement or encouragement of national, racial, religious or other inequality as
                          well as the incitement and fomenting of national, racial, religious or other hatred and
                          intolerance shall be unconstitutional and punishable. 

                          Article 51 

                          The right to own property and the right of inheritance shall be guaranteed, in
                          conformity with the Constitution and law. 

                          Article 52 

                          Man shall be entitled to a healthy environment and timely information about its

                          It is everyone's duty to protect the human environment and make use of it in a
                          rational manner. 

                          The state shall be charged with maintaining a healthy human environment and to this
                          end shall prescribe the conditions and manner of the performance of economic and
                          other activities. 

                          Article 53 

                          Freedom of creativity and publication of scholarly and artistic works, scientific
                          discoveries and technical inventions shall be guaranteed, and their authors shall be
                          guaranteed the intellectual property and material rights arising therefrom. 

                          The manner of exercising and protecting intellectual property rights and the rights of
                          the organizations under whose sponsorship these works were produced shall be
                          regulated by federal statute. 

                          Article 54 

                          Free choice of occupation and employment shall be guaranteed. 

                          Employed persons may have their labor contracts terminated against their will,
                          under conditions and in the manner stipulated by law and collective agreements. 

                          Forced labor shall be prohibited. 

                          Article 55 

                          Employed persons shall be entitled to commensurate remuneration. 

                          The right to unemployment insurance benefits during temporary unemployment shall
                          be guaranteed, in conformity with federal law. 

                          Article 56 

                          Employed persons shall be entitled to limited working hours, to a daily and weekly
                          rest period, and to paid holidays and leave of absence, in conformity with the law
                          and/or collective agreement. 

                          Employees shall have the right to job safety protection, in accordance with the law.

                          Young persons, women, and disabled persons shall have special protection on the
                          job, in accordance with the law. 

                          Article 57 

                          Employed persons shall have the right to strike in order to protect their professional
                          and economic interests, in conformity with federal law. 

                          The right of industrial action may be restricted by federal statute if so required by
                          the nature of the activity concerned or the public interest. 

                          Civil servants and professional members of the armed forces and police force shall
                          not have the right to strike. 

                          Article 58 

                          Under a compulsory insurance scheme, employed persons and their family
                          members shall benefit from all types of social security in conformity with the law. 

                          The state shall provide social welfare for citizens unable to work and without a
                          livelihood, as well as for citizens without the means of subsistence, in conformity
                          with the law. 

                          Article 59 

                          Disabled persons shall be guaranteed special protection, in conformity with the law.

                          Article 60 

                          Everyone shall be entitled to health care, in accordance with the law. 

                          Children, expectant mothers and the elderly shall be entitled to publicly financed
                          health care, if they are not covered by another insurance program, while other
                          persons shall receive such care under the conditions stipulated by law. 

                          Article 61 

                          The family, mothers and children shall enjoy special protection. 

                          Children born out of wedlock shall have the same rights and duties as children born
                          in wedlock. 

                          Article 62 

                          Education shall be accessible to all, under equal conditions. 

                          Primary education shall be free and compulsory, in conformity with the law. 

                          Article 63 

                          Defense of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia shall be the right and duty of every

                          Article 64 

                          Everyone shall be obliged to pay taxes and other levies as established by law. 

                          Article 65 

                          Everyone shall be obliged to observe the Constitution and law and other
                          regulations and general enactments. 

                          Everyone shall be obliged to perform public office in an honorable and responsible

                          Article 66 

                          Aliens in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia shall enjoy the freedoms and the rights
                          and duties laid down in the Constitution, federal law, and international treaties. 

                          An alien may be extradited to another state only in cases provided for under
                          international treaties which are binding on the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. 

                          The right of asylum shall be guaranteed to foreign citizens and stateless persons
                          who are being persecuted for their advocacy of democratic views of for
                          participation in movements for social or national liberation, for the freedom and
                          rights of the human personality, or for scientific or artistic freedom. 

                          Article 67 

                          The rights and freedoms of man and the citizen shall be exercised and duties
                          fulfilled in conformity with the Constitution. 

                          The manner in which various rights and freedoms of man and the citizen are to be
                          exercised may be prescribed by law when so provided for by the Constitution or
                          when necessary for their implementation. 

                          Abuse of the rights and freedoms of man and the citizen shall be unconstitutional
                          and punishable. 

                          The rights and freedoms recognized and guaranteed by the present Constitution
                          shall enjoy the protection of the courts. 

                          Article 68 

                          Citizens and artificial persons shall be provided with legal assistance by attorneys at
                          law as an autonomous and independent activity, in conformity with the law. 

                          SECTION III 

                          ECONOMIC ORDER 

                          Article 69 

                          The freedom to work and engage in economic activities shall be guaranteed. 

                          Property shall be inviolable. 

                          No one may be deprived of his property, nor may it be restricted, except when so
                          required by the public interest, as determined by law, subject to fair compensation
                          which may not be below its market value. 

                          Article 70 

                          An alien may acquire property rights and the right to engage in business on terms of
                          reciprocity, in accordance with federal statute. 

                          An alien or stateless person may not acquire ownership of immovable property of
                          cultural significance. 

                          A stateless person may not acquire property rights to land, and an alien may
                          acquire property rights to land on terms of reciprocity, in conformity with the law. 

                          Article 71 

                          An enterprise and other artificial person may engage in activities and invest capital
                          abroad under the conditions laid down by federal statute. 

                          Article 72 

                          Ownership of real estate shall be enjoyed depending on the nature and purpose of
                          the real estate in question, in accordance with federal statute. 

                          Article 73 

                          Natural resources shall be owned by the state. 

                          Agricultural land may be privately owned or subject to other types of property

                          Forests and timberland may be privately owned or subject to other types of
                          property rights, within the limits prescribed by law. 

                          Some property in the public domain and municipal building sites may be in private
                          and other forms of ownership, in accordance with the law. 

                          Real estate and other property utilized by federal organs and organizations, the
                          organs and organizations of member republics and local authorities and
                          organizations performing public services shall be state owned, and the status and
                          rights of these organs and organizations as regards the disposition of these assets
                          and their utilization shall be regulated by statute. 

                          Article 74 

                          Enterprises and other manufacturing and service organizations shall be founded,
                          organized and merged freely and autonomously, in conformity with federal statute. 

                          Economic agents shall be independent and equal, and the terms of business shall be
                          the same for all. 

                          Any act or activity creating or encouraging a monopoly or restricting, free trade in
                          any other way shall be unconstitutional. 

                          Article 75 

                          In time of war, an imminent threat of war, or any other emergency, the law may
                          introduce restrictions on the disposition of a portion of the assets owned by
                          artificial and natural persons, for the duration of the state of emergency, or it may
                          impose a special regime for their utilization. 

                          Article 76 

                          Funds for the financing of the activities falling within the jurisdiction of the Federal
                          Republic of Yugoslavia shall be apportioned from the federal budget. 

                          Revenues for the federal budget shall be raised from customs duties, a portion of
                          sales tax revenues, and other sources, in accordance with federal statute. 

                          SECTION IV 


                          Article 77 

                          Through its organs, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia shall formulate policy,
                          enact and enforce federal legislation, other laws and general enactments, and
                          ensure judicial protection in matters concerning: 

                          1) the freedoms, rights and duties of man and the citizen, enshrined in the present
                          Constitution; due process of law before courts and other state authorities;
                          responsibility and sanctions for violation of the freedoms, rights and duties of man
                          and the citizen as laid down by the present Constitution, and for violation of federal
                          statutes, other laws and general enactments; amnesty and pardom for federal
                          statutory criminal offenses; 

                          2) the single market; the legal status of enterprises and other economic agents; the
                          monetary, banking, foreign exchange, foreign trade and customs regimes; the
                          system of credit relationships with foreign countries, the basic principles of the fiscal

                          3) the development of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, scientific and
                          technological advances, regional development and efforts to close the
                          developmental gap between different regions; 

                          4) technical and technological systems and communications; the principles of
                          environmental protection; the regime of the atmosphere and watercourses of
                          national interest and international waters; the regime of territorial waters, with
                          reference to the international relations of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia;
                          navigation on waters under an international or intergovernmental regime of

                          5) safety in all types of transportation, contractual relations and the principles of the
                          system of property relations, the principles of social security and labor relations; 

                          6) international relations; border crossing and control of the circulation of goods,
                          services and passengers across the border; the status of aliens and foreign artificial

                          7) the defense and security of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia; 

                          8) protection of human life and health against contagious diseases which threaten
                          the country as a whole; manufacture and sale of medicaments; protection of
                          animals against contagious diseases and protection of plants against diseases and
                          pests which threaten the country as a whole; sales of plant and animal protection
                          chemicals, and control of animals and plants crossing state frontiers; genetic
                          material in agriculture and forestry; protection against ionizing radiation; production,
                          sales and transport of weapons and of toxic, inflammable, explosive, radioactive
                          and other dangerous substances; 

                          9) the financing of the competencies of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia as laid
                          down by the present Constitution; 

                          10) the organization and work of the organs of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia;

                          11) national holidays and decorations bestowed by the Federal Republic of

                          12) other spheres as laid down by the present Constitution. 

                          SECTION V 


                          1. Federal Assembly 

                          Article 78 

                          The Federal Assembly shall: 

                          1) decide on the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia; 

                          2) decide on admission of other states as member republics into the Federal
                          Republic of Yugoslavia; decide on association with other states and on
                          membership in international organizations; 

                          3) decide on alterations to the frontiers of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia;
                          decide on war and peace; declare a state of war, a state of imminent threat of war,
                          and state of emergency; 

                          4) adopt federal statutes, other laws and general enactment's; approve the federal
                          budget and final balance sheet; ratify international treaties falling within the
                          jurisdiction of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia; 

                          5) oversee the work of the federal government and other federal organs and the
                          officials answerable to the Federal Assembly, in conformity with the present
                          Constitution and federal law; 

                          6) grant amnesty for federal statutory criminal offense; 

                          7) appoint and dismiss: the President of the Republic; the federal prime minister;
                          justices of the Federal Constitutional Court: justices of the Federal Court; the
                          governor of the National Bank of Yugoslavia, and other federal officials stipulated
                          by federal statute, 

                          8) perform other duties as established by the present Constitution. 

                          Article 79 

                          The Federal Assembly may regulate other matters by federal law which do not fall
                          within the jurisdiction of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, at the joint proposal
                          of the member republics. 

                          Article 80 

                          The Federal Assembly shall be composed of the Chamber of Citizens and the
                          Chamber of Republics. 

                          The Chamber of Citizens shall be made up of federal deputies elected in the
                          member republics in direct elections by secret ballot, one federal deputy being
                          elected for every 65,000 voters, each member republic to have no fewer than 30
                          federal deputies. 

                          The Chamber or Republics shall be made up of 20 federal deputies form each
                          member republic. 

                          Article 81 

                          Federal deputies shall be elected for four-year terms. 

                          The election and termination of the mandates of federal deputies in the Chamber of
                          Citizens of the Federal Assembly shall be regulated by federal law, while the
                          election and termination of the mandates of federal deputies in the Chamber of
                          Republics of the Federal Assembly shall be regulated by the laws of each member

                          Article 82 

                          The mandates of deputies in the Federal Assembly shall be terminated if within
                          three months of the beginning of the procedure a federal government is not elected
                          or if within this time limit the federal budget is not approved, as well as in other
                          cases specified in the present Constitution. 

                          The termination of the mandate of the Federal Assembly shall come into effect
                          following the decree of the President of the Republic. 

                          Article 83 

                          The Federal Assembly shall be dissolved at the request of the federal government. 

                          The federal government may not dissolve the Federal Assembly if the procedure
                          for a vote of confidence in the federal government has been initiated. 

                          Dissolution of the Federal Assembly shall come into effect following the decree of
                          the President of the Republic. 

                          Article 84 

                          In the event of the termination of its mandate or dissolution, elections for the
                          Federal Assembly shall be held within 60 days of the day of termination of the
                          mandate of the Federal Assembly or its dissolution. 

                          The mandate of the federal government shall also be terminated with the
                          termination of the mandate or dissolution of the Federal Assembly. 

                          Article 85 

                          The Federal Assembly may not be dissolved in the first or last six months office
                          term, during a state of war, imminent threat of war, or state of emergency. 

                          In the event of a state of war, imminent threat of war, or state emergency, the
                          Federal Assembly may decide to prolong the terms of the federal deputies, so long
                          as such a state of emergency lasts, or until conditions are created for the election of
                          federal deputies. 

                          Election of new federal deputies shall be undertaken as soon as the situation
                          because of which the term of federal deputies was prolonged is over. 

                          Article 86 

                          Federal deputies to the Chamber of Citizens of the Federal Assembly shall
                          represent the citizens of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, while federal deputies
                          to the Camber of Republics of the Federal Assembly shall represent the member
                          republic form which they were elected. 

                          A federal deputy to the Chamber of Citizens shall take positions and vote
                          according to his conscience. 

                          A federal deputy to the Chamber of Citizens may not be recalled. 

                          Article 87 

                          A federal deputy shall enjoy immunity. 

                          A federal deputy may not be convicted, incarcerated or punished for expressing an
                          opinion or for his voting in the Federal Assembly. 

                          A federal deputy may not be detained without the consent of the Federal Assembly
                          chamber of which he is a member, unless caught in the act of committing a criminal
                          offense carrying a prison sentence of more than five years. 

                          Criminal or other proceedings for an offense carrying a sentence of imprisonment
                          may not be brought against a federal deputy who claims immunity, without the
                          consent of the Federal Assembly chamber of which he is a member. 

                          The Federal Assembly chamber whose federal deputy has not claimed immunity
                          may decide, when it deems necessary, that he should avail himself of this immunity. 

                          Article 88 

                          The Chamber of Citizens and Chamber of Republics of the Federal Assembly shall
                          elect their president and vice-president form the ranks of the deputies. 

                          The president of a chamber shall represent the camber, direct the work of the
                          chamber and perform other duties as laid down by federal statute and the
                          chambers rules of procedure. 

                          Both chambers shall adopt rules of procedure regulating their work and

                          Article 89 

                          The Federal Assembly shall sit in regular and extraordinary sessions of the

                          Regular sessions shall be held without convocation twice a year, in accordance
                          with the chambers rules of procedure. 

                          The first regular session shall begin on the first weekday in February, and the
                          second on the first weekday in September. 

                          Extraordinary sessions shall be held at the request of not less than one third of the
                          number of federal deputies of a chamber or at the request of the federal
                          government, with a previously fixed agenda. 

                          Article 90 

                          Both chambers shall decide concurrently on questions within the jurisdiction of the
                          Federal Assembly, by a majority of voters of the federal deputies in each of the
                          two chambers, unless other provision in made by the present Constitution. 

                          Federal statutes regulating: the flag, coat-of-arms or national anthem; election of
                          federal deputies for the Chamber of Citizens; election of the President of the
                          Republic; the Federal Court; the Federal Public Prosecutor; organization of the
                          Federal Constitutional Court, the proceedings before this court and the legal effect
                          of its decisions shall be adopted in the Federal Assembly by a two-third majority of
                          votes of all the federal deputies in each of the two cambers. 

                          At the request of the assembly of a member republic, the Federal Assembly shall
                          vote on questions enumerated in Article 77, items 2, 3, and 4, of the present
                          Constitution by a two-thirds majority of votes of all the federal deputies in the
                          Chamber of Republics and by a majority vote of all the federal deputies in the
                          Chamber of Citizens. 

                          Article 91 

                          When a bill for a federal statute, other law or general enactment has not been
                          passed in both chambers in its identical text, the chambers shall set up a
                          commission of five federal deputies from each chamber to harmonize the text. 

                          Both chambers shall vote on the commissions draft, in conformity with the present

                          Article 92 

                          If the commission fails to harmonize the text of the bill within one month, or if the
                          chambers do not accept the harmonized text of the bill, the text approved in the
                          Chamber of Citizens shall be temporarily adopted, and if it is a federal law
                          regulating the areas enumerated in items 2, 3, and 4 of Article 77 of the present
                          Constitution, the text adopted in the Chamber or Republics shall be provisionally

                          The provisionally enforced federal statute shall remain in force until its final
                          adoption in both chambers, but no longer than one year from the beginning of its

                          Article 93 

                          If during its temporary enforcement the federal statute is not adopted in both
                          chambers, in accordance with the present Constitution, the mandate of the Federal
                          Assembly shall be terminated. 

                          Article 94 

                          If the federal budget is not approved by the beginning of the fiscal year, the
                          functions of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia shall be provisionally financed
                          under the federal budget of the pervious year, until such time as the new federal
                          budget is approved. 

                          Article 95 

                          A bill for a federal statute, other law or general enactment may be introduced by
                          the federal government, a federal deputy in each Federal Assembly chamber, or
                          not less than 30,000 voters. 

                          The National Bank of Yugoslavia also has the right to introduce a bill for a federal
                          statute, other law or general enactment concerning the monetary, foreign exchange
                          and credit systems. 

                          2. PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC 

                          Article 96 

                          The President of the Republic shall: 

                          1) represent the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia at home and abroad; 

                          2) promulgate federal laws by decree; issue instruments of rectification of
                          international treaties; 

                          3) nominate a candidate for prime minister of the federal government, after having
                          heard the opinions of spokesmen for the parliamentary groups in the Federal

                          4) recommend to the Federal Assembly candidates for appointment as justices of
                          the Federal Constitutional Court, justices of the National Bank of Yugoslavia, after
                          having obtained the opinion of the presidents of the member republics; 

                          5) call elections for the Federal Assembly; 

                          6) appoint and recall b decree ambassadors of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia,
                          pursuant to the recommendations of the federal government; receive the letters of
                          credence of foreign diplomatic envoys; 

                          7) confer decorations and hones of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, as
                          provided for by federal statute; 

                          8) grant pardons for federal statutory criminal offenses; 

                          9) perform other functions as envisaged by the present Constitution. 

                          Article 97 

                          The President of the Republic shall be elected by the Federal Assembly for a
                          four-year term of office, by secret ballot. 

                          The same individual may not be reelected President of the Republic for a second

                          As a rule, the President of the Republic and the federal prime minister may not be
                          form the same member republic. 

                          The President of the Republic may not hold other public office or engage in
                          professional activities. 

                          The President of the Republic shall enjoy the same immunity as a federal deputy. 

                          The Federal Assembly shall determine the immunity of the President of the

                          The President of the Republic may only be dismissed it the Federal Assembly
                          ascertains that he has violated the Constitution. 

                          Article 98 

                          The President of the Republic may resign from his office. 

                          The mandate of the President of the Republic shall be terminated on the day he
                          submits his resignation or is dismissed. 

                          It the event of termination of the mandate of the President of the Republic, until the
                          election of a new President of the Republic, or in the event of temporary inability of
                          the President of the Republic to carry out his duties, these duties shall be
                          performed by the president of the Chamber of Republics of the Federal Assembly. 

                          The procedure for the election and dismissal of the President of the Republic shall
                          be determined by federal law. 

                          3. FEDERAL GOVERNMENT 

                          Article 99 

                          The federal government shall: 

                          1) formulate and conduct domestic and foreign policy and enforce federal statutes,
                          other laws and general enactment's; 

                          2) foster relations between the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and other states
                          and international organizations; 

                          3) introduce bills for federal statutes, other laws and general enactment's; 

                          4) adopt decrees, resolutions, and other legislation for the enforcement of federal
                          statutes and other laws and general enactment's of the Federal Assembly; 

                          5) gives its opinion on bills for federal statutes, other laws and general enactment's
                          introduced by another authorized sponsor in the Federal Assembly; 

                          6) create and abolish federal ministries and other federal agencies and organizations
                          and determine their organization and competencies; 

                          7) direct and coordinate the work of federal ministries and other federal agencies
                          and organizations and annual or abrogate their enactment's; 

                          8) elect and dismiss officials in the federal ministries and other federal agencies and

                          9) call for a general mobilization and organize defense preparations; 

                          10) proclaim an imminent threat of war, state of war, or emergency when the
                          Federal Assembly is not able to convene, subject to the opinion of the President of
                          the Republic and presidents of the Federal Assembly chambers; 

                          11) adopt measures regulating matters within the jurisdiction of the Federal
                          Assembly when the Assembly is not able to meet, during a state of war, imminent
                          threat of war, or state of emergency, after having sought the opinion of the
                          presidents of the Federal Assembly cambers. Enactments adopted during a state of
                          war may throughout the duration of the state of war restrict various rights and
                          freedoms of man and the citizen, except those listed in Articles 20, 22, 25, 26, 27,
                          28, 29, 35 and 43 of the present Constitution. The federal government shall be
                          obliged to seek the approval of the Federal Assembly for these measures as soon
                          as it is able to convene; 

                          12) regulate its own organization, methods of work and decision-making; 

                          13) perform other duties as laid down by the present Constitution. 

                          Article 100 

                          The federal government shall be made up of a prime minister, deputy prime
                          minister, and federal ministers. 

                          The federal government shall be formed for a four-year term. 

                          A member of the federal government may not hold any other public office or
                          engage in any professional activities. 

                          A member of the federal government shall enjoy the same immunity as a federal

                          The federal government shall determine the immunity of members of the federal

                          Article 101 

                          The federal government shall be formed after the election of the Federal Assembly.

                          The nominee for prime minister of the federal government shall appear before the
                          Federal Assembly to present his program and announce the composition of the
                          federal government. 

                          The federal government shall be considered formed when the Federal Assembly
                          elects the prime minister of the federal government by majority vote of all the
                          federal deputies in each of the two cambers, by secret ballot. 

                          Article 102 

                          The federal Prime Minister shall direct the work of the federal government. 

                          The federal Prime Minister schallinform the Federal Assembly about changes in the
                          composition of his government. 

                          Article 103 

                          The federal prime Minister shall be responsible to the Federal Assembly for his
                          work and for the work of the federal government. 

                          The federal government shall be responsible for the work of its organs and federal

                          The federal Prime Minister may put his government to a vote of confidence in the
                          Federal Assembly. 

                          Failure to win the vote of confidence shall terminate the mandate of the federal

                          Article 104 

                          The Federal Assembly may vote no confidence in the federal government. 

                          The initiative for a vote of confidence may be submitted by no fewer than 20
                          federal deputies of one camber of the Federal Assembly. 

                          A vote of confidence may be held no sooner than three days after the proposal for
                          such a vote was submitted. 

                          A majority of votes of the total number of federal deputies in each of the two
                          chambers shall be required for a vote of no confidence in the federal government. 

                          A vote of no confidence shall terminate the mandate of the federal government. 

                          Article 105 

                          The federal Prime Minister may submit his resignation to the Federal Assembly. 

                          Resignation of the federal Prime Minister shall automatically terminate the mandate
                          of the entire federal government. 

                          Article 106 

                          A federal government whose mandate has been terminated shall continue
                          performing its duties until the formation of a new federal government. 

                          Article 107 

                          The federal ministries shall enforce federal statutes, other laws and general
                          enactments passed by the Federal Assembly and federal government; shall
                          adjudicate in administrative matters, carry out administrative supervision, and
                          perform other administrative affairs as prescribed by federal law. 

                          The federal minister at the head of a federal ministry shall be responsible for the
                          work of his ministry. 

                          4. FEDERAL COURT 

                          Article 108 

                          The Federal Court shall: 

                          1) act as a court of the highest instance, as stipulated under federal law; decide on
                          appeals against rulings by courts of the member republics in cases concerning
                          enforcement of federal statutes; 

                          2) decide on property suits between member republic, as well as between the
                          Republic of Yugoslavia and member republics; 

                          3) determine the legality of administrative regulations adopted by federal

                          4) decide on conflicts of jurisdiction between courts of two member republics as
                          well as between military tribunals and other courts; 

                          5) lay down the principles governing the uniform enforcement of federal statutes,
                          other federal laws and general enactments by the courts; 

                          6) perform other duties for which it has been empowered by the present
                          Constitution and federal law. 

                          Article 109 

                          The justices of the Federal Court shall be appointed and dismissed by the Federal

                          Justices of Federal Court shall be appointed for nine year terms. 

                          The justices of the Federal Court shall select one of their members to act as
                          president of the Federal Court. 

                          A justice of the Federal Court shall enjoy the same immunity as a federal deputy. 

                          The Federal Court shall determine the immunity of one of its justices. 

                          A justice of the Federal Court may not hold any other public office or engage in
                          any other professional activity. 

                          A federal statute shall be adopted regulating the Federal Court. 

                          Article 110 

                          The judicial powers of a justice of the Federal Court may cease before the end of
                          his term of office; if he requests to be relieved of his duties, if he meets the
                          requirements for retirement as established by federal law, or if he receives a prison

                          A justice of the Federal Court may be dismissed before the expire of his mandate:
                          if he is convicted of a penal offense which renders him unfit to carry out judicial
                          functions; if he has performed his judicial duties in an incompetent or
                          unconscientious manner, or if he becomes permanently incapacitated for the
                          performance of his judicial duties. 

                          In conformity with federal law, the Federal Court shall determine the existence of
                          cause for terminating the mandate of a justice of the Federal Court, or for
                          dismissing a justice, and shall inform the Federal Assembly accordingly. 

                          5. FEDERAL PUBLIC PROSECUTOR 

                          Article 111 

                          The Federal Public Prosecutor shall apply legal remedies for which he is
                          empowered by federal statute in maters within the jurisdiction of the Federal Court
                          and shall perform other duties as provided for by federal law. 

                          The Federal Public Prosecutor shall give mandatory instructions to public
                          prosecutors in the member republics and may take over cases of criminal
                          prosecution in matters in which the criminal offenses and other penal offenses are
                          established by federal statute. 

                          Article 112 

                          The Federal Public prosecutor shall be appointed and dismissed by the Federal
                          Assembly and shall serve a four-year term of office. 

                          The Federal Public Prosecutor shall enjoy the same immunity as a federal deputy. 

                          The Federal Assembly shall determine the immunity of the Federal Public

                          The Federal Public Prosecutor may not hold any other public office or engage in
                          other professional activities. 

                          Article 113 

                          The functions of the Federal Public Prosecutor shall cease before the expire of his
                          mandate: if he requests to be relieved of his duties, if he meets the requirements for
                          retirement as established by federal law, or if he receives a prison sentence. 

                          The Federal Public Prosecutor may be dismissed before the expire of his mandate;
                          if he has been convicted of a penal offense which renders him unfit to perform his
                          functions; if he has performed his duties in an incompetent or unconscientious
                          manner, or if he becomes permanently incapacitated for the performance of his

                          The Federal Assembly, in accordance with federal law, shall determine the
                          existence of cause for terminating the mandate of the Federal Public Prosecutor, or
                          for his dismissal. 

                          6. NATIONAL BANK OF YUGOSLAVIA 

                          Article 114 

                          The National Bank of Yugoslavia shall be an independent institution of the
                          monetary system of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and sole bank of primary
                          issue, responsible for monetary policy, the stability, of the currency and financial
                          discipline, and the performance of other functions as laid down by federal law. 

                          The National Bank of Yugoslavia shall be directed by a governor, who shall be
                          responsible for its work. 

                          The governor of the National Bank of Yugoslavia shall be appointed for a
                          four-year term and may be reelected. 

                          SECTION VI 

                          CONSTITUTIONALITY AND LEGALITY 

                          Article 115 

                          The constitutions of the member republics, federal statutes, the legislation of
                          member republics and all other laws and general enactments must be in conformity
                          with the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. 

                          Statutes, other laws and general enactments in a member republic must be in
                          conformity with federal law. 

                          Regulations and other general enactments adopted by federal agencies must be in
                          conformity with federal law. 

                          Article 116 

                          Statutes, other laws and general enactments shall come into force on the eighth day
                          from the day of publication, except when for justified reasons, specified during their
                          adoption, provision is made for them to come into effect earlier. 

                          Article 117 

                          Statutes, other laws and general enactment's may not have a retroactive effect. 

                          Only certain provisions of statutes, if so required by the public interest, as
                          established when they are adopted, may have retroactive effect. 

                          Article 118 

                          Certain public powers may be legally delegated to an enterprise or other

                          State agencies and organizations which perform public functions may decide on the
                          rights and obligations of natural and artificial persons or, pursuant to the law, apply
                          coercive or restrictive measures only in a legally prescribed procedure. 

                          Article 119 

                          An appeal may be made to the competent authority against decisions and other
                          rulings by judicial, administrative and other state authorities, as well as against
                          similar first instance decisions by agencies and organizations performing public

                          In special cases and by way of exception, the law may deny the right of appeal, if
                          due process of law has been secured in some other manner. 

                          Article 120 

                          The authorized court shall determine the legality of administrative rulings in an
                          administrative suit, unless some other legal remedy has been provided for by the

                          By way of exception, in certain types of administrative cases, an administrative suit
                          may be prohibited by law. 

                          Article 121 

                          Decisions, documents and other rulings issued by state agencies and authorized
                          organizations in a member republic shall have the same validity throughout the
                          entire territory of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. 

                          Article 122 

                          The work of federal agencies shall be open to the public. 

                          Public insight into the work of federal agencies may be restricted or denied only in
                          the cases specified by federal law. 

                          Article 123 

                          Everyone shall be entitled to compensation for damages sustained as a result of
                          unlawful or improper actions of an official or state agency or organization which
                          exercises public power, in conformity with the law. 

                          The state shall be obliged to pay compensation for damages. 

                          The injured party shall have the right, in accordance with law, to demand
                          compensation directly form the individual responsible for the damage. 

                          SECTION VII 

                          FEDERAL CONSTITUTIONAL COURT 

                          Article 124 

                          The Federal Constitutional Court shall rule on: 

                          1) the conformity of the constitutions of member republics with the Constitution of
                          the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia; 

                          2) conformity of statutes, other laws and general enactment's with the Constitution
                          of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and with ratified and promulgated
                          international treaties; 

                          3) conformity of statutes and other laws and general enactment's of the member
                          republics with federal law; 

                          4) conformity of other regulations and general enactment's of federal agencies with
                          federal law; 

                          5) conformity of general enactment's of political parties and associations of citizens
                          with the present Constitution and federal law; 

                          6) complaints about a ruling or action violating the rights and freedoms of man and
                          the citizen enshrined in the present Constitution; 

                          7) a conflict of jurisdiction between federal and republican authorities as well as
                          between the authorities of member republics; 

                          8) prohibition of activities of political parties and other associations of citizens; 

                          9) violation of rights in the course of the election of federal officials. 

                          The Federal Constitutional Court may decide on the constitutionality and legality of
                          acts which are no longer in force, provided the time between the cessation of their
                          validity and initiation of proceedings does not exceed one year. 

                          Article 125 

                          The Federal Constitutional Court shall be composed of seven justices. 

                          A justice of the Federal Constitutional Court shall be appointed for a nine-year

                          The president of the Federal Constitutional Court shall be elected by the justices
                          form among their own ranks, by secret ballot, for a term of three years. 

                          A justice of the Federal Constitutional Court may not hold any other public office
                          or engage in any professional activity. 

                          A justice of the Federal Constitutional Court shall enjoy the same immunity as a
                          federal deputy. 

                          The immunity of a Federal Constitutional Court justice shall be decided on by the
                          Federal Constitutional Court. 

                          Article 126 

                          The functions of a justice of the Federal Constitutional Court may cease before the
                          end of the term for which he was appointed if he requests to step down, if he fulfills
                          the requirements for retirement as laid down by federal law, or if he receives a
                          prison sentence. 

                          A justice of the Federal Constitutional Court shall be dismissed if is found quietly of
                          a penal offense which renders him unfit to perform his duties of if he is permanently
                          incapacitated for the performance of the duties of justice of the Federal
                          Constitutional Court. 

                          The Federal Constitutional Court shall inform the Federal Assembly and the
                          President of the Republic of the causes for the termination of office or dismissal of
                          a justice form the Federal Constitutional Court. 

                          The Federal Constitutional Court may decide that a justice of the Court against
                          whom there are criminal proceedings should not carry out his duties for the
                          duration of the proceedings. 

                          Article 127 

                          Anyone may sponsor an initiative for proceedings to establish constitutionality and

                          Proceedings before the Federal Constitutional Court may be initiated by
                          government authorities or artificial persons if they believe that a right or interest has
                          been violated by an act whose constitutionality and legality are in question. 

                          The Federal Constitutional Court may itself initiate proceedings to assess
                          constitutionality and legality. 

                          Article 128 

                          The Federal Constitutional Court shall decide on a complaint when other legal
                          remedies are not available. 

                          Article 129 

                          The Federal Constitutional Court shall adopt decision by a majority of votes of the

                          A ruling by the Federal Constitutional Court shall be universally binding and

                          In the case of need, execution of a ruling by the Federal Constitutional Court shall
                          be carried out by the federal government. 

                          Article 130 

                          When the Federal Constitutional Court determines that there is a discrepancy
                          between given provisions of the constitution of a member republic and the
                          Constitution of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, the said provisions of the
                          constitution of the member republic shall cease to be valid at the end of six months
                          from the day the discrepancy was found, if the discrepancy has not been rectified
                          within this time. 

                          When the Federal Constitutional Court determines that there is a conflict between
                          given provisions of statutes, other laws or general enactments and the Constitution
                          of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia or federal law, the said provisions of the
                          statutes, laws or general enactments shall cease to be in effect from the day of
                          publication of the ruling of the Federal Constitutional Court. 

                          Article 131 

                          The organization, procedures and legal effect of rulings of the Federal
                          Constitutional Court shall be regulated by federal statute. 

                          Article 132 

                          In the course of proceedings up until a final decision is handed down, the Federal
                          Constitutional Court may halt the execution of a given act or measure taken on the
                          strength of the law, and other regulation or general enactment if irreparable harm is
                          liable to occur if it were to be carried into effect. 

                          SECTION VIII 


                          Article 133 

                          The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia shall have an Army to defend its sovereignty,
                          territory, independence and constitutional order. 

                          The Army of Yugoslavia may be in the service of an international organization,
                          subject to the consent of the federal government. 

                          Article 134 

                          The Army of Yugoslavia shall be composed of Yugoslav citizens. 

                          The Army of Yugoslavia shall be made up of a standing army and reserve units. 

                          The standing army shall be composed of professional soldiers and conscripts. 

                          A federal law shall be adopted regulating the Army of Yugoslavia. 

                          Article 135 

                          In wartime and peacetime, the Army of Yugoslavia shall be under the command of
                          the President of the Republic, pursuant to decisions by the Supreme Defense

                          The Supreme Defense Council shall be made up of the President of the Republic
                          and presidents of the member republics. 

                          The President of the Republic shall preside over the Supreme Defense Council. 

                          Article 136 

                          The President of the Republic shall appoint, promote and dismiss from service
                          officers of the Army of Yugoslavia stipulated by federal law; shall appoint and
                          dismiss the president, judges and judge assessors of military tribunals and military

                          Article 137 

                          Compulsory military service shall be universal and perfumed in the manner
                          established by federal statute. 

                          A citizen who is a conscientious objector for religious or other reasons and does
                          not wish to fulfill his military obligation under arms shall be permitted to serve in the
                          Army of Yugoslavia without bearing arms or in civilian service, in accordance with
                          federal law. 

                          Article 138 

                          Military tribunals and military prosecutors shall be established under federal statute.

                          Military tribunals shall be independent and shall adjudicate on the basis of federal

                          SECTION IX 

                          AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION 

                          OF THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF YUGOSLAVIA 

                          Article 139 

                          Proposals form amendment of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, with the
                          exception of Articles 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 77, 140 and 141 may be submitted by a
                          minimum number of 100,000 voters, at least 30 federal deputies from the Chamber
                          of Citizens, at least 20 federal deputies from the Chamber of Republics, and by the
                          federal government. 

                          Proposals to amend the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia shall be
                          decided upon by the chambers of the Federal Assembly by a two-thirds majority
                          of the federal deputies in each of the two chambers. 

                          Tea act of amending the constitution of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia shall be
                          adopted in both chambers of the Federal Assembly by a two-thirds majority of the
                          federal deputies in each of the two chambers. 

                          If the act of amending the Constitution of Federal Republic of Yugoslavia is not
                          adopted, the same proposal may not be resubmitted for one year from the day it
                          failed to be passed. 

                          Article 140 

                          Proposals to amend Article 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 77, 140 and 141 of the Constitution of
                          the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia may be submitted by no fewer than 100,000
                          voters, or no fewer than 30 federal deputies of the Chamber of Citizens, or by the
                          federal government or assembly of a member republic. 

                          A proposal to amend the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia shall
                          be decided on by the Chamber of Citizens of the Federal Assembly by a
                          two-thirds majority. 

                          The Chamber of Citizens may decide to amend the Constitution of the Federal
                          Republic of Yugoslavia after the assemblies of the member republics have
                          approved the proposal for amendment. 

                          If the proposal to amend the Constitution is not passed, the same proposal may not
                          be resubmitted within one year from the day the proposal was rejected. 

                          Article 141 

                          The draft act to amend Articles 1, 2, 3, 6, 77, 140 and 141 of the Constitution of
                          the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia shall be decided on in the Chamber of Citizens
                          of the Federal Assembly by a two-thirds majority,. 

                          The amendment of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia shall be
                          deemed to be accepted when the assemblies of the member republics have
                          approved the text adopted by the Chamber of Citizens of the Federal Assembly. 

                          If the assembly of a member republic should fail to approve the wording of the
                          amendment of the Constitution as adopted by the Chamber of Citizens, the
                          rejected draft constitutional amendment may not be placed on the Federal
                          Assemblys agenda within one year from the day the Chamber of Citizens
                          establishes the lack of consensus. 

                          Article 142 

                          Amendments to the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia shall be
                          promulgated by the Federal Assembly. 

                          SECTION X 

                          FINAL PROVISIONS 

                          Article 143 

                          A Constitutional Law shall be adopted for the implementation of the Constitution of
                          the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. 

                          The Constitutional Law shall be promulgated and come into effect concurrently
                          with the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. 

                          Article 144 

                          The present Constitution shall into force on the day of its promulgation. 

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